Fit was almost as good as it gets with Flyhawk, but with an uncharacteristic flaw. I've got two and they seem to be from different production batches. The one above had some molding flaws on the front side skirts (excess plastic) and some minor flash. The upper hull was also slightly warped at the rear. The other Abrams seems to be typically flawless. The molding flaws and flash was easily removed with sharp blade and sandpaper in about 5 min. The warp was fixed with firm pressure while running Tamiya thin into the join. Flyhawks's styrene is excellent and the parts fused together in minutes. A smear of thinned white putty followed by sanding took care of any visible joint line. As you can see, this 1/72 kit has almost as much detail as a 1/35, and certainly is miles ahead of Revell's M1A1. Lots of PE vent screening is supplied, but most of it hidden under the bustle overhang. All the vision blocks are molded separately in clear plastic, and you paint the interior side red. The .50 cal is especially well done - better even than Dragon's on their Sherman series. Tracks are plastic split in half lengthwise. I found it easiest to glue the track halves together first for painting and weathering, and assemble and paint the wheels and drive gear separately. After the hull and skirts were painted, you can still slide the tracks, with idler and drive gear into place. The tracks are flexible enough to add the road wheels after everything is set up. I painted it a sand mixture of Tamiya Dark Yellow, Buff, and white in a 1:1:2 ratio. Black/brown oil wash, and Vallejo pigments.
I got mine from Aurora model shop for under $30 CAN, including shipping.
So far, the build is strictly OOB, but if I put it into a dio, I will add Black Dog accessories and some Preiser infantry.
As with all other Flyhawk kits: highly recommended.