Thomas, Miguel, Brian, Jim and Kurt
Thanks for the kind comments.
Not much progress due to two main factors....
1) I've been busy with work and other "2018" things
2) I have the discipline and attention span of a four month old Beagle
Here's where it's at at the moment then.
Sturmpanzer itself is progressing. Gave it a quick blast of primer to see what flaws (and they are many) exist, particularly in the Zimmerit. I have had a few attempts at doing this myself and only one came out half decent. Most of the time it was too thick, too messy, the stuff I was using (Milliput or whatever) got everywhere... so I decided to give the Tamiya stickers a go. Of course, they're for the later Sturmpanzer with a completely different superstructure so I had to chop it about a bit. I'll add some patch-ups where there are noticeable seams or gaps. These vehicles had quite a neat application so there was no way my own efforts would be up to scratch.
PLaced onto the base it should gove some idea of the final layout. Simple but hopefully it will 'work'.

The left hand side of the roof isn't fixed, I left it loose so I could tweak the commander figure to fit better. There are a few obvious patches of Zimmerit needed (and some not so obvious).

The commander figure is from the later Tamiya Sturmpanzer, with a new head from Hornet (almost oblogatory) and a couple of tweaks. Not that visible here but I added a watch given his job, and a cigarette, something which apparently German AFV crews were fairly comfortable with.
As ever, thoughts, comments, crticisms are welcomed.