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OK, I just got the RHPS tracks in the mail. They look like regular, pain-in-the-rear indy tracks to me; are you guys sure these are "clickable?" There are no instructions, so any tips would be appreciated.
Here's how I do them:
Get a TV tray or box top, plus a couple small containers like film cannisters or small cups.
Use sprue nippers or other close-cutting tool to snip the parts off the sprues.
I cut the sprues apart to make handling easier. Put track pads in one can, end connectors in another.
Once they are all snipped, dump a can of pads or end in the boxtop and made a pass or two on each one with a sanding stick to smooth the nub, putting each back in the can as it is finished.
When all the cleaned up parts are ready, start assembly.
Yes, they will click together.
Do them in stretches of six to ten links, then connect the sections to make the final track length.
Test fit to make sure they fit on the model without sag (Sherman tracks have VERY little sag). Make sure they fit the drive sprockets snugly. You should have many extra parts left for spare link sections or replace any parts you might break.
Remove from model and paint.
Put back on model when ready --they should remain pretty flexible if you don't glob the paint on.
Once on the model, touch up paint the areas between the links that show where the track bends around the idlers and drive sprockets.
DO NOT PAINT before assembly -- the thickness of the paint on the parts will keep the parts from fitting properly.
It's not hard; it just takes a little time. Once you have a rhythm it goes pretty fast/ I do most of the work during commercials while watching TV.
Enjoy! I think you'll be happy with the results.