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If you want to test yours out against the real thing, I suggest you take a photo of it from the same angle as the historic photo and then using some photo app, line one photo over the other, using the transparency slider to check the alignment. Something like Pixlr if you have an android phone, or PaintShopPro on a PC will do this quite easily.
I assume this is your photo?
I think yours look absolutely fine, but compared to the photo, I think perhaps you have them a little higher up the turret. Doesn't really matter though... unless you think it does
One other thing, are you 100% positive that the KT in the photo has zimmerit?
Hi Matthew,
I didn't try taking a pic with the same angle and superimposing it with the pic you posted (that picture was one of three references I used), but what I did do was hold the tank up to the screen at the same angle as the photo.
Also, I think you might be right, mine may be slightly high on the turret, but it's hard to tell since I can't get a side-on view of the real thing. The DML instructions are completely incorrect with respect to the decal placement. The problem is that when it comes to the scale model, the distance between two eyes is much more significant when looking at 11 mm numbers 15 cm away and meter-long numbers 15 meters away on the real thing. Turret curvature plays a bigger role in scale with respect to vision and the numbers look both crooked and seem to be leaning to one side. In the first two pictures above, both sets of numbers closer to the rear of the turret appear to be lower.
In summary, it's been a nightmare aligning these things. Usually I have no problems with some rulers and digital grids. This is the first major problem I have run into and figured some feedback and second opinions would come in handy.
With regards to the zimmerit, I'm not 100% sure it had it, but the general consensus is that it did, as did other vehicles in the same company. So I went with zimmerit