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Ridiculous. Another one-off. And all the while we're waiting for a North African F or G, a later Beobachtung with turret skirts or even the late L "001" Brigitte (with the quirky sprockets) Befehls used by 12th Pz Div in Operation Casar. Instead they give us this. Just ridiculous.
Funny thing is, all the parts exist, just not necessarily in the same box. Boggles the mind.
A new decal sheet and shift some parts around and *boom*
But instead another one off? There some kind of obsession with prototype/paper panzers somewhere? Wait, is this in WOT?
Yeah, it was added to WoT 1-2 years ago IIRC.
Long after I quit the game, but I've always thought it was nice looking, and personally I've wanted a kit of it for quite a while.
Granted, it's Dragon (overpriced... Over 100$ CAD from my LHS, minimum 75$ CAD on eBay most likely), so It'll take me a while to bother getting the kit, if at all.