1/35 HobbyBoss Ba-20 built almost OOB. Only add a wire from the antenna frame to the body, new handles copper wire and plastruct.
Decals come from "Sturmi" Tamiya spares and old 1/48 planes.
The mask its for a Finnish Curtiss 75. The start crank are wire and brass tube. Can't mask the skull.....
Paints are Krylon for the primer, and MIG 4Bo base. Weathering was done with oil washes and filters. Also Mig's tri camo wash was used.
Pigments are Mig ones, also the leaves. The base its MDF with Das Pronto for the terrain. The vegatation are Mig ones, and mushrooms from my garden. The "flowers" come from a grass that I found, and old brush.
To the interior, the steering wheel was push up, as come to low, and you must see it trough the front windows. The gear box level was changed as again its overscale and too low. Anyway I don't show this details.