Quoted Text
"Laffly?" Seriously? What an appropriate name for an odd-looking beast.
"Laffly was a French manufacturer of trucks and utility vehicles. Founded in 1849, the Laffly company began manufacturing utility vehicles in Billancourt in 1912. From the mid-1930s and until World War II, the company also manufactured a range of offroad military vehicles such as the Laffly S15 and Laffly V15.
Probably best remembered today for its firetrucks, the Laffly company closed shop during the early 1950s."
text above "borrowed" from Wikipedia
Wikipedia with French text, links to different vehicles:
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laffly Laffly and some others merged into Berliet and then Berliet merged with Saviem and now it is Renault trucks.
In French:
"1952-1978 : les étapes de la construction d’un groupe
Histoire de Renault TrucksEntre 1952 et 1974, Laffly, Rochet Schneider, Camiva et Citroën Poids Lourds s’associent à Berliet qui, en 1957, construit le Berliet T100, le plus gros camion au monde !
En 1955, naît la Saviem, issue de Latil, du département camions Renault et Somua, très vite rejoint par Richard Continental, en 1965, puis Sinpar, en 1975.
C’est en 1978 que Berliet et la Saviem fusionnent pour créer l’unique constructeur français de poids-lourds Renault Véhicules Industriels, la branche “Véhicules Industriels” du groupe Renault."
Text from:
https://www.renault-trucks.fr/histoire Since 2001 Reanult trucks is a part of Volvo trucks and now the Chinese are becoming major share holders of Volvo.
Volvo is Latin for 'I roll'

/ Robin