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Hunnicutt's book has photos of the interior. Both an early version without gunshield and the later version with gunshield. Pages 112-117. Page 116 even has the 5 view black and white drawings.
Rob's assessment is a bit understated -- believe me when I tell you the pics and drawings should answer all your questions. Lots of good shots of the gun mount, so there will be very little guessing.
The pages immediately following the T19 info have what I need for my T30. The in-action photos a little further back in the book gave me ideas for markings as well.
Lots of scratching to do in these conversions, but almost all of it is flat plates. It should be a fun build of a variant not often seen in models. Now that I have the reference, I'll need to make sure I have all the other parts (noticed the tracks are missing from my U.S. halftrack scrap box .... gotta be around here somewhere ... hmmmmm). Saturday is the official start date, but I doubt I'll be sprinting out of the starting blocks.
BTW, also picked up Hunnicutt's "Armored Car" book, so that may also affect my modeling future.
Ken, if some technical glitch somehow prevents Rob from sending you copies of the pages, I can probably help you next week (I'm off for a few days to recover from some minor surgery -- no access to a copier or scanner for about a week).
This is going to be a fun build!