For reference only:

So, I got an urge to make one. What is odd is that all the reference suggests the 57mm armed tanks were used up in late 1941 and early 1942. The clear pictures show the guns in various 1940 and 41 pattern turrets with the single large hatch.
This tank is a hex turret, with the 1942/43 commanders periscope, grab handles on the hull and turret and the rear boxy fuel tanks. If it were not for the gun I would suspect the picture was taken after late 1942, probably summer 1943.
Reference indicates no tank like in the picture saw combat, but this picture has the look of a combat picture. So, did the Soviets bring a few of these tanks to Kursk to hunt Tigers? I have no idea, but I'm going to fake it, and build a combat veteran T-34/57, summer 1943 just for the fun of it.