Ok today my sharpenair arrived and I immediately put it to test on the needle of my brand new Grex TG 0.3 (do not ask questions about why after a week is already bent please! ....

) and I was amazed, it really makes well his work, straight as new, in the coming days I try it in the AB and see how it sprays but under the lens seems perfect, it takes a bit 'of practice because it is easy to push too much and block it between the stones and I find that the best thing is to start to straighten it as much as possible with old systems like with the 2 pieces of wood and then use the tool, the last step with the sanding pad that is given with the tool and it looks like it came out of the factory,now i want to polish with a bit of fine compoud and then I'll let you know how it goes with the AB ... anyway at the moment I'm amazed by the work done in less the 15 minutes
For the Aussie at the moment is on sale here ...
https://www.airbrushasylum.com.au/store/p436/SA_-_SharpenAir%E2%84%A2_needle_sharpener_.htmlPS: i have the feeling that it can works also with the duble tapered needle because the first 2 hole works only on the final part of the tip and the second 2 hole in the rest of the needle