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Is that the space left available for the inaccurate parts?
Maybe they have reserved space for the sprues needed for the already advertised torpedo-carrying version?
There were only two versions of this vehicle so they can't be planning the Panzer-game with mix-n-match sprues from 10 different kits to make a new version.
Another possibility is that they are somehow matching the size of the box with the price? The Ka-Tsu cost me about 10% less than the S-400 TEL so it could be a matter of matching price to the volume of the box.
There isn't that many parts either, two big chunks for the hull and then an assortment of wheels and small bits for the running gear and a handful of pieces for the deck details.
The instructions are thin compared to a Pz III or IV, all in all 6 pages:
Front with copy of box-art and the parts layout
Assembly instructions in 9 steps laid out over 4 pages
Paint diagram, one scheme which is medium green all over.
The included figure is a guy carrying a large camera. The figure sprue contains blued-out bodyparts which add up to three more figures, the camera is a separate sprue so I guess that the other one is a re-use from somewhere.
There are some other parts that are blued-out as well and the instructions tell you to cut 20 links from the DS-track.
Edit: Had to check those tracks, it is actually four sections of track so the Ka-Tsu uses the same track as something smaller. Twice the length minus those 20 links. Joining the cut off sections will be interesting .....
I hope there are aftermarket tracks for the shorter vehicle, whichever it is ...
/ Robin
Edit: I checked the Ka-Mi box and it is the same tracks, should have suspected this from the beginning ....