Before building, just want to double check if my next project has any historical
inaccuracies (wrong uniform, weaponary etc)
The diorama would depict a Heer Panzer Division recon team on eastern front during Winter1943/1944.
The vehicles will include a Dragon 6223 Sdkfz 251/7 Pioneer ver. Ausf D and Dragon 6882 Sdkfz 250/9 Ausf A
Figures will include Alpine 35037 and 35088 as armored car crew. Evolution 35037, 35039, 35040, 35153, two action figures from Dragon 6705 and Meng-HS012r as Grenadiers. I attach all the photos, can anyone point out anything does not look right?
One of my questions is does Panzer Grenadier still wear the
Jackboots (Marschstiefel) as per Meng-HS012r? I think Ankle boots (Schnürschuhe)became more prevalent at that time.
Also for the armored car crew, I believe the driver and vehicle commander were wearing the the same uniform like Panzer crew.
however what about the men handling 20mm gun and MG in the turret (i.e. Sdkfz 250/9)?
Plus two Russian kids.
Alpine 35037
Alpine 35088
Evolution 35037
Evolution 35039
Evolution 35040
Evolution 35153
Dragon 6705