Well crap. As an 18B, I guess I have to give my two cents.
Off the bat, great looking figure, great detail. That said...
I have to be careful here. I've worked with 20th Group at their SOTD (Special Operations Training Detachment) at Ft. McClellan. They have some serious shooters there. I just hope the guy who posed for the 3D imaging isn't someone I know.

I think a little adjustment of the pose is in order. The old Shep Paine trick of taking a cut out of the back of the knees and bending them a little more. Although the figure is bent forward at the waist, he's still back on his heels. You can see space under his toes. Not good for recoil management.
Also, although he is looking down his sights, he appears to be bringing his head down to the weapon rather than the weapon up to his head.
Finally, his grip bothers me. He's capturing his firing thumb with his support thumb. Less control there (muzzle flip) as well as a tendency to pull shots. The "front seat rear seat" arrangement of thumbs is preferred.
If you showed me a photo of a dude having trouble with his shot groups and I had to assess him from that one photo, these are the things I'd point out.
Here is what happens when SF guys attend shooting competitions with regular Army.

Pistol higher than top of shoulders, aggressive stance, better thumb arrangement.
The figure is not a total loss-change it up a little or use it as a guy in training, or change heads and make him regular army.