Hello Everyone,
Thank you all for the positive critique
I submitted this at least thrice before, trying to embed the pics as per the Armorama PhotoHelp instructions. All attempts gave me the white box with red X, as seen in Paul's post above. That is why I tried via Yahoo, which I set up for public viewing, too.
Now for the weathering. I squander about as much time playing with new techiques as I do building. The rust is a wash. I used a vinegar and gauache mix. Vinegar has harmed no paint, enamel or acrylic, and evaporates without pulling pigments to a noticable edge, as I get with H2O + soap. It is also easy to remove with H2O.

I have a test deck upon which I applied my mixes of:
oil, india ink, guache, and acrylic-oil
with Future, alchohol, vinegar, ammonia, and soaped water. If interested I will try to photograph it and post it for your reference.