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As I understand it, this vehicle was based on the T-54 chassis.
Other than that, anemic information tells me that only 77 vehicles were produced.
77 vehicles is a WHOLE LOT more than a sketch on the backside of a napkin like some PaperPanzers ;-)
Maybe the whole tactical idea with the tank destroyer was starting to get obsolete by the time the Soviets produced those 77 vehicles. Gun tanks, some of the IS series, also had 122 mm guns so there wouldn't really be much need for, or purpose with, these tank destroyers.
Looks cool though

/ Robin
Edit: As Frank writes below: Tank destroyers with limited traverse guns work better in a defensive role.
The Swedish Stridsvagn S (Strv 103) is one example of this, excellent in the defensive role, not quite so good in the offensive.