Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 02:49 AM UTC
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Quoted Text
BTW, Revell didn't want to release the Matchbox Panzer III as they felt it might compete with their version.
Whimps. Man up Revell and re-issue I say.
And lets not forget that the Revell 'L' version is 1/72 scale and the Matchbox is 1/76 so we are talking dolphin as opposed to porpoise?
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 11:41 AM UTC
Hmmmm, we’re up to 17 enlistees now but it’s gotten pretty quiet around here. Been working on rehabilitating my Matchbox Panzer III lately and might have a picture or two in a day or so. Also looking through storage containers for other “historic” Matchbox items.

Arizona, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 12:50 PM UTC
For me, just lurking for now. I have my four picks for the campaign but it says it does not start until Jan '19. Didn't want to start now and get disqualified.
Robbie: "Would 60 Gallons be sufficient ?"
Forbidden Planet - 1956
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 02:30 PM UTC
Build one now and buy another for the start of the campaign!

I am in the process of finishing my M16 for the anti-aircraft build and will post a pic or two here for interests sake.
On the Bench:
Dust, styrene scraps, paint splotches and tears.

Arizona, United States
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Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2018 - 08:17 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Build one now and buy another for the start of the campaign! 
I am in the process of finishing my M16 for the anti-aircraft build and will post a pic or two here for interests sake.
No no no… I don't want to do that. My procrastination will kick in even before the campaign starts and ruin it. I already still have a bunch of 'work in progress' from previous Kitmaker Campaigns I have not completed. I will get over my procrastination. You just wait and see.
Robbie: "Would 60 Gallons be sufficient ?"
Forbidden Planet - 1956
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2018 - 09:26 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted Text
Build one now and buy another for the start of the campaign! 
I am in the process of finishing my M16 for the anti-aircraft build and will post a pic or two here for interests sake.
No no no… I don't want to do that. My procrastination will kick in even before the campaign starts and ruin it.
Rob, really? Do you think we'd allow that to happen? I personally have ahem, "associates" in Roswell in your state and they could pay you a visit for encouragement purpose?
Anyway, as promised a couple of images of the Panzer III with a start at revitalizing. Roadwheel black is from the original build while spares on the fenders are trying the newer Tamiya Rubber Black that doesn't look too bad compared to the "old" paint.
MB Pz-III-A-1 by
Jan Etal, on Flickr
MB Pz-III-A-2 by
Jan Etal, on Flickr
MB Pz-III-A-4 by
Jan Etal, on Flickr
Don't these get your creative juices flowing?
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, October 18, 2018 - 08:11 PM UTC
Named Guido, Rocky and Crusher.... although Guido might be a nickname...
Nice start to the refurb Jan.
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Dust, styrene scraps, paint splotches and tears.
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Friday, October 19, 2018 - 08:25 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Named Guido, Rocky and Crusher.... although Guido might be a nickname...
Pete, this is, Armorama so therefore you should not be surprised that the...ahum..., gentlemen are Che, Fidel, Raul and Ernesto?
Quoted Text
Nice start to the refurb Jan.
My thanks while I build up the nerve to try to bore out the 1/76 gun barrel with a .0366" (.93 mm) drill?

Zurich, Switzerland
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Posted: Monday, October 22, 2018 - 08:38 AM UTC
Hey gents, sorry for my conspicuous absence… I've been busy and spending the Little free time I had at the bench.
And on our Swiss version of evilbay. Look what I got in the mail today:

Whoohoo! Now that's a trip down memory lane in several respects. I remember a neighbour boy having built this kit and I was fascinated by it. And not it's mine!! My own! My Precious!
Anyway… Sticker on it:

6 digit phone number and no area code! That about fits the time I remember our neighbor having it. Mit 80ies probably… Interesting enough, it seems the store is still active at the same address! Since 1957:
Decals look okay, a bit yellowed, but I can easily replace the stars and bars:

And of course lot's of colored plastic:
So now I'm definitely in!
Too many models - too little time...

Arizona, United States
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Posted: Monday, October 22, 2018 - 12:26 PM UTC
Robbie: "Would 60 Gallons be sufficient ?"
Forbidden Planet - 1956

Arizona, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 05:24 AM UTC
Got suddenly quiet here so I decided to post some busy work. I thought before the campaign starts, I should do a little reading up on my subjects.

Matchbox looks like they are pretty spot on with accuracy. I, however did not see any rivets to count nor I did not break out the measuring calibers. On the Panzer II I might leave off the left rear storage box. Most of the photos do not show one installed back there especially the one I will be doing which is 21st Pz Div. in North Afrika. Also the rear storage box on the turret I am not sure.
On the 232, the armored covers over the wheel bearings (the triangular plates) are missing. I am planning on doing the markings for the Polish campaign so I am checking if they had them during that time or were added after Poland.
Robbie: "Would 60 Gallons be sufficient ?"
Forbidden Planet - 1956
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, October 28, 2018 - 07:41 AM UTC
Nice score Stephan. Sure looks like it is going to be a great build.
Robbie, nice to see you planning ahead and thinking of what you can upgrade.
I'm plodding along on my M16 for the AA Group Build, but it is getting there. Pics as promised.
Working on the base at the moment. Did some work on the little base it comes with. Replaced the train tracks with styrene strip rails and sleepers, added some retaining plates and then glued down some pulverised clay cat litter for the gravel (ballast) between sleepers.
On the Bench:
Dust, styrene scraps, paint splotches and tears.
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 - 03:06 AM UTC
Glad to see a smidgeon of action here for the time being.

Haven't "uncovered" anymore Matchbox goodies for the moment as have been busy trying to get things ready before winter.
Quoted Text
On the 232, the armored covers over the wheel bearings (the triangular plates) are missing. I am planning on doing the markings for the Polish campaign so I am checking if they had them during that time or were added after Poland....
While I'm not an expert on German armoured cars I can relay to you what I found in the SquadronSignal book "Panzer Colors". Pictures/ilustrations from the Polish campaign show a SdKfz 232 (8 rad) without the armoured triangles BUT a 221 and a 223 with them.
As for the Pz II turret rear storage box, it seems to be a 50/50 split with the images. Earlier photos from March '41 generally don't show boxes but later photos usually do. Hope this helps muddy things up further?
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - 09:43 AM UTC
As Promised Pics of my entry for the AA Group Build. Just notices I forgot to add the epoxy for the headlights - oops.
Matchbox 1/76 scale M16 Halftrack. Rear 'wall' of the Quad mount cut away and replaced with scratch built struts, braces, battery, motor, fuel tank, etc. Added scratch built stowage and tarps, gear levers, etc. Gauges are white and red decal film punched out of spare water slide decals. Looked bare without them.
My idea was to enhance, not replace, so all of this is kit parts. Base was also enhanced. Hope you like it.

On the Bench:
Dust, styrene scraps, paint splotches and tears.
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Posted: Thursday, November 01, 2018 - 03:59 AM UTC
great work on this halftrack. The extra details are really nice. I love these old matchbox kits and You have done a magnificent work.
I got three kits for this campaign in my stash:

I guess, I will use Your advice:
Quoted Text
Build one now and buy another for the start of the campaign!
The Daimler Dingo looks promising.
On the desk: Probably a Panzer III.
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, November 01, 2018 - 07:38 AM UTC
Great choices Oliver. I think the Humber mk II was the first Matchbox kit I ever built, so it has a special place in my heart.
On the Bench:
Dust, styrene scraps, paint splotches and tears.
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, November 03, 2018 - 09:08 AM UTC
Had a visit from my 30 YO son last night. After talking about the Matchbox Group build recently he came over to say 'Hey dad, do you remember this?'
A build he did with my guidance when he was about 10 years old:
It was great 'Show and Tell' material at the time. Now a couple of bits missing from the base.
I might have to strip this back and paint it......
On the Bench:
Dust, styrene scraps, paint splotches and tears.
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, November 04, 2018 - 03:04 AM UTC
@Pete (
Wonderful looking halftrack and I’m quite impressed with the work you put into the base let alone the gun mount. That Jagdpanzer of your sons’ brings back some memories and that kit seems to have been a popular subject. Could use a bit of paint now that you have some "before" images.

@Oliver (
You’ve got three interesting kits there. The Daimler Dingo is a nice fairly simple build but it is rather small.

As with Pete the Humber has a soft spot in my heart also as I think it was the second Matchbox kit I built after the Panzer II. I liked it better than the old Hasegawa version, despite the slight scale difference. The Puma was fairly popular in past campaigns but be careful to get all those eight wheels touching the ground.

Monty’s Caravan is quite something in that it has a nice busy base and if you are ambitious the back interior is pretty much empty except for a room divider so available to be decorated.
now I can’t help but wonder if any subjects other than AFV’s and flying things will make an appearance?
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, November 04, 2018 - 08:35 PM UTC
Thanks Jan.
Yes we have had some cars and planes - are their any ships out there hiding in peoples closets?
On the Bench:
Dust, styrene scraps, paint splotches and tears.
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Monday, November 05, 2018 - 04:42 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Thanks Jan.
Yes we have had some cars and planes - are their any ships out there hiding in peoples closets?
Perhaps you might inform or leave a challenge in a Model Shipwrights "General" type forum? Hmmm. Maybe on Model Geek too for those that have a Star Trek related kit lying around?
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, November 06, 2018 - 07:19 AM UTC
Posted on both sites, so hopefully we will see some takers. It would be great to see more guys showing off their skills.
On the Bench:
Dust, styrene scraps, paint splotches and tears.

Washington, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, November 06, 2018 - 08:26 AM UTC
FWIW, I have the Matchbox USS Indianapolis hiding in the stash. Not sure I really want to attempt it for 6 month long build.
Hanger Queens in Waiting:
Monogram 1/72 F8F-1
Corsair the Sky Pirate - 1/72 Ace A-7D
Century Series - Airfix 1/72 F-105G
Anti Shipping - Academy 1/72 PBJ-1D
Academy 1/72 F-84E
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 09:05 AM UTC
Just thought I'd wake this thread up a bit.

While going through some more boxes I discovered a Matchbox M-24 Chaffee that appears to have been on my Motor Pool Rebuild List. Here's a few images to stir those itchy fingers/minds?
MB M-24-A1 by
Jan Etal, on Flickr
MB M-24-A2 by
Jan Etal, on Flickr
MB M-24-A3 by
Jan Etal, on Flickr
Obviously work got stalled and I make no apologies for the questionable quality of finishing from my youthful past.
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 09:17 AM UTC
Ah, the venerable Skeeter/Judy...…
I was always amused by the fact they gave you a road sign for St Lo France for the base, but the markings for 'Skeeter' was for a vehicle never there.....
Hmmm, yes painting is questionable, Panzer grey was not in use at the time these were built
Well worth resurrecting though Jan.
On the Bench:
Dust, styrene scraps, paint splotches and tears.
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 09:33 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Hmmm, yes painting is questionable, Panzer grey was not in use at the time these were built
Greetings Peter!
Age, and dust/grime have left their residue on the poor beast but from what I vaguely recall, at the time it was made I used solely Humbrol enamels and that was most likely their version of Olive Drab and brush painted to boot.

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Well worth resurrecting though Jan.
Yes, it needs tending to and I've moved it to the new modern version of my overworked Motor Pool.