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The MSM in the USA, other than Fox news, basically thinks socialism is in our future and they want capitalism to die.
Give it a rest. I could just as easily say that Fox News freaks out at anything that even smacks of "socialism," equating it with Communism and predicting the end of the world as we know it. Scare tactics help ratings and motivate voters, but they don't do anything except silence discussion.
Germany and France both have strong Socialist traditions and have been ruled by Socialist governments in recent decades. Yet Capitalism is very strongly-rooted in both societies. Worker councils in Germany, for example, help the factory to run smoothly and deal with issues that interact with both management and labor, and companies like the labor peace this has produced and that workers feel they have a say in how their work lives are. Yet when one German automaker tried to get a union accepted at an American factory, the GOP went into attack mode to defeat the union (which narrowly lost).
The strength of Germany's economy is proof that "socialism" isn't the end of the world. Far from it, their universal health care provided to all (and demonized by pundits who don't know the basics and tend to spread wild rumors about long waits for elective surgery, etc.) means companies don't have to worry about providing health care benefits. As the owner of a small business, I could certainly use some help providing health care for my workers and focusing instead on making money.
Instead of demonizing an opposing viewpoint, you might want to consider that thoughtful and educated folks exist on both sides of the economics discussion. Spreading an unsupported allegation that "the US mainstream media want capitalism to die" would mean most of them would be out of jobs, since the media is owned by large capitalistic companies. Even the NY Times tries to be profitable.