I like the news from trumpeter for 2019..
Utrecht, Netherlands
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Posted: Sunday, December 30, 2018 - 05:29 PM UTC
seen on :
http://www.moxingfans.com/new/news/2018/1231/5419_3.htmlhighlights for me in 1/35 :
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Posted: Sunday, December 30, 2018 - 09:36 PM UTC
FAUN SLT 50-3 !

I wonder why Revell has never released it in 1:35 scale.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 30, 2018 - 11:01 PM UTC
The 18T Famo, with the Billstein crane, and, with the 88mm, caught my eye!
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Sachsen, Germany
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Posted: Sunday, December 30, 2018 - 11:38 PM UTC
Very good news at the company Trumpeter, but where are the already announced years ago kits of vehicles ATS -59 and ATS -59G? Can someone say something about it? They are long overdue.
Michigan, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 12:07 AM UTC
Wonder how the 18t will compare to Tamiya's?
Illinois, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 02:01 AM UTC
Let's just say that based on past experience, Trumpeter is not a company I would care to buy kits from.
Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 02:34 AM UTC
I'm looking forward to the T-72 Mod 1985, and I think the T-72 Mod 1979, will that finally have the turret without the radiation protection?
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 03:04 AM UTC
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Let's just say that based on past experience, Trumpeter is not a company I would care to buy kits from.
You can't just put a turd like that out there without explanation. What happened?
California, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 03:05 AM UTC
I noticed that HobbyBoss got rid of the 1/35 SEAL Desert Patrol Vehicle from the catalog, the off-again, on-again, now off-again kit.
I would have liked to see Trumpeter produce more 1/35 modern plastic guns. While we do have Live-Resin, sometimes the cheap, modern, and accurate Trumpeter 1/35 guns will suffice.
I am referring to:
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 03:44 AM UTC
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I noticed that HobbyBoss got rid of the 1/35 SEAL Desert Patrol Vehicle from the catalog, the off-again, on-again, now off-again kit.
I would have liked to see Trumpeter produce more 1/35 modern plastic guns. While we do have Live-Resin, sometimes the cheap, modern, and accurate Trumpeter 1/35 guns will suffice.
I am referring to:
We were well duped with the DPV. Thank you Hobbyboss for the misleading advertising.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 03:53 AM UTC
With Trumpeter listing 400 1/35 kits in their catalog and Hobby Boss likely a similar number, the great majority of which had never been kitted before, I cannot honestly find a reason to complain about - or even mention - projects that they talked about but have not released.
A Kondensator. Five S-300V vehicles. The full T-10 series. C'mon guys . . .

Kentucky, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 04:00 AM UTC
Even with some kits never making it to the finish line it is still a great time to be alive and be a modeler!
We have never had so many subjects to choose from and I suspect it will only get better in the future!
Alabama, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 04:21 AM UTC
I am looking forward to the T-80UK, it's my favorite version of the T-80 and will look very nice next to their T-90. The pictures were low-res and I got my hopes up since the JS-5 looked like "JS-6" but sadly not to be!
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 04:25 AM UTC
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Let's just say that based on past experience, Trumpeter is not a company I would care to buy kits from.
You can't just put a turd like that out there without explanation. What happened?
Im not sure what his issue with them is, personally I really wouldn't call anything they have put out recently "turds" or anything close to that, but I have noticed alot more odd omissions or inaccuracies with some of their newer kits. Granted it isnt on the level of DML with their modern stuff, but I have found for instance I am having to add alot more details to some of their postwar Stalin/T-10 series of kits then I really should be for what Im paying for the kit. I dont mind the work honestly, but I am noticing a slight decline with their research and accuracy of their kits on both sides of the Hobbyboss/Trumpeter brand.
It really isnt near enough to get me to stop buying them, especially given they are covering some amazing subjects in plastic, but there has been for me a few more "come on guys" moans with their kits lately then I remember in the past. That being said though, Ill take what theyre doing over not having the options for some of these kits at all.
Campaigns AdministratorScotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 11:25 AM UTC
still no mention of when they will be releasing the T72AV which is a shame as it would perfect for any syrian war build.
Illinois, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 03:34 PM UTC
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Let's just say that based on past experience, Trumpeter is not a company I would care to buy kits from.
You can't just put a turd like that out there without explanation. What happened?
I didn't like the fit or accuracy of their kits, even though Trumpeter makes better kits now than they did a decade ago. I'll take kits from other companies which do a better job.
Illinois, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 03:36 PM UTC
I take a different view. Nowadays especially, why take a dud from Company A when Company B or C might come out with a better version?
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 04:39 PM UTC
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I didn't like the fit or accuracy of their kits, even though Trumpeter makes better kits now than they did a decade ago. I'll take kits from other companies which do a better job. . .
I take a different view. Nowadays especially, why take a dud from Company A when Company B or C might come out with a better version?
The number of kits they have released in the last 10 years has certainly given them much more experience in design and engineering such that going from experience that old would put you down the wrong path. After all, the DML of 2018 is not the DML of 2008, either.
Yes, it may be worth waiting, but the next guy might not do it better and you might have a long wait. How long before another Kondensator or KS-19 gun kit comes along, you think?
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 31, 2018 - 04:41 PM UTC
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Im not sure what his issue with them is, personally I really wouldn't call anything they have put out recently "turds"
The "turd" was Tom's somewhat loaded statement put out there without context or explanation.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, January 02, 2019 - 07:22 AM UTC
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Wonder how the 18t will compare to Tamiya's?
I would venture to say the comparisons will be quite similar, however, I'm sure the Trumpy's version might be slightly over-engineered. Either way, that crane and 88mm versions will most likely make the stash, and then will have to sell the conversions I bought to make those two vehicles! I've been going back to simplicity lately...lol.
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Posted: Wednesday, January 02, 2019 - 08:23 AM UTC
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I didn't like the fit or accuracy of their kits, even though Trumpeter makes better kits now than they did a decade ago. I'll take kits from other companies which do a better job.
Be interested to know which particular manufacturer/s produced better kits a decade a go that you decide to buy from instead of Trumpeter
There is many a kit manufacturer that when starting out made mistakes in detail, engineering, fit etc but like most Trumpeter has improved markedly from its very early kits and to be fair even their now quite old KV's were given good reviews on build and accuracy and still look good even by today's standards.
I just think you're doing yourself out of a good choice of subjects based on some long ago experience which probably doesn't bear comparison to current offerings.
Arizona, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, January 02, 2019 - 10:00 AM UTC
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still no mention of when they will be releasing the T72AV which is a shame as it would perfect for any syrian war build.
That's also the one I waiting for.
I found a nifty feature on the forums called HIDE USER.
I was going to try it on myself and go stealth, but it only works on other users.
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, January 03, 2019 - 10:48 AM UTC
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I'm looking forward to the T-72 Mod 1985, and I think the T-72 Mod 1979, will that finally have the turret without the radiation protection?
Yes, the T-72A mod 1979 will be without the anti-radiation cladding. It was added in 1983 onwards.
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England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, January 03, 2019 - 10:51 AM UTC
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still no mention of when they will be releasing the T72AV which is a shame as it would perfect for any syrian war build.
At least it's now appeared in the catalog for 2019/20, although they have labelled it as T-72A mod 1985.
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Campaigns AdministratorScotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, January 04, 2019 - 10:01 AM UTC
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still no mention of when they will be releasing the T72AV which is a shame as it would perfect for any syrian war build.
At least it's now appeared in the catalog for 2019/20, although they have labelled it as T-72A mod 1985.
well that us good news but wouldn't be the first time a kit appeared in a catalogue but never on the shelves but thanks for the info it is appreciated