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MiniArt announces a new BM-8-24 rocket launcher based on a 1,5t truck.
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I'd purely LOVE to see an early-production 1/24 GAZ-AA & GAZ-AAA (read: FORD MODEL AA & FORD MODEL AAA), from MINIART or ICM, or for that matter, ANY other enterprising model manufacturer... They've never been done before, outside a VERY RARE cottage-industry resin conversion kit. The name of this manufacturer escapes me at the moment... I've done several VERY EXTENSIVE and INTENSIVE conversion projects, using the FRANKLIN MINT 1930 Ford Model A Tudor Chassis/Engine/Suspension/Wheels/Tires and Fenders as a base for the conversion, and the very old early 1960s-vintage MONOGRAM 1930 Ford Model A Coupe/Cabriolet kits to model PROPER Model As in this scale. Ditto the Model A Pickup Trucks. I don't use the DANBURY MINT 1931 Model As, either the Roadster or the Coupe/Deluxe Coupe for these reasons:
a. The Wheels and Tires are a bit too small
b. The Hub Caps are WAY too small
c. The DANBURY MINT Coupe/Deluxe Coupe's Upper & Lower Body Halves ARE COMPLETELY WRONG. The old early 1960s MONOGRAM 1930 Coupe Upper & Lower Body Halves ARE correct, but the Upper Body Half part will not mate-up to the bottom half of the DANBURY MINT Lower Body Half, because DANBURY's Chinese sub-contractor in this model's manufacture didn't do their homework, both dimensionally and aesthetically, so I've saved myself the headaches by using the old MONOGRAM Coupe/Cabriolet Bodies with the DANBURY Coupe's Interiors. And that's just for the 1930/1931 Coupes. Don't get me going on the 1927/28-1929 Model A Body/Fenders/Chassis/Engine & Suspension Components...