But the bottles are bigger
Of course, it makes an expensive start, if you need ever color in the book. It does make sense to buy "major" colors, for example for your camo, then all "auxiliaries" like color for tools, tracks etc in smaller bottles, like Vallejo. Imho MM paints are realy nice as water based acrylics, much easier to work with than most other brands, especially for freehand camo.
At the beginning, you can also save by using "other" thinner, window washing fluid (the one with alcohol) works just great, although i only use it for coverage, paint sprays well enough for small parts out of the bottle (even with 0,2mm nozzle). Poly aditive is a good thing, i would not skip it. As well, it works on Vallejo, Mig and AK paint too.
So get those 3 colors, and add others as you keep building kits. This does work well if you are consistent with your builds tho (Like next model cant be same era, nationality, or even category)