Finishing off some old shelf queen 251's and I find myself a bit stuck.
The old Osprey book mentions the radio on the /9 being relocated to the rear rt near the storage bin (pictured below on an AFV 251/9)
It also mentions the radio operators seat being removed and the area used for stowage on the /22
Not many of the /22 were produced the best interior photo I can find, seems to show the radio and operators seat missing.
Many photos show the /22 with the antenna in the 'standard location' in the rt front, behind where the radio operator seat was located.
The right side wall is filled with 75mm ammunition bin, so the radio seems not to be located there. But locating the radio behind the driver, the same location used in the /9, and running the antenna lead forward, across under the drivers roof and rearwards to the 'standard' radio location seems wasteful and overly complicated as well.
Anyone got a better interior pic than I have been able to find of the radio location?