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Paracel Miniatures announced new figures that will be available on March 2019.
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I dunno, seems whoever did the sculpting and the painting of these "ETO GIs" didn't do their research, the "identities" of these figures being open to question. As a figure modeler of long standing, it is my considered opinion that with a little bit of work, these figures of "ETO GIs" CAN be brought up to snuff.
Now, as to someone's opinion that VERLINDEN produced naught but "FRANKENSTEIN figures", I vehemently beg to differ. Some are better or worse than others but, they aren't "FRANKENSTEINS". I've built, painted, improved and detailed quite a few of them. They ARE a bit bigger than 1/35, and they AREN'T hopeless- If anyone here remembers the figures that were sometimes included in some of RENWAL's kits, you'll know what I'm talking about. I was a youngster during the era that RENWAL kits figured quite prominently in the "Military-modeling world"; my compatriots and I used to refer to RENWAL figures as, "the GOON Army"... Say what you will about Verlinden Figures, but Francois Verlinden broke A LOT of important ground with his figures, buildings, detailing sets and accessories, AND he at least painted HIS US Army and US Marine Corps Figures in their PROPER COLORS...
Further, I see several annoying errors in the painting of these figures:
a. Their Rank Insignia do not match the manufacturer's descriptions on their respective packagings
b. The US Army "woolen" clothing, such as the Coats and Trousers shouldn't be painted in that hideous Reddish-BROWN color. I've seen HUNDREDS of examples of modelers who've done that, themselves- The actual color should be IN FACT, OLIVE DRAB, albeit with a Brownish cast. Among my other hobbies, I also collect ORIGINAL Pre-war and WWII Uniforms and Equipment, concentrating on US articles. NONE of the "fabric" clothing is manufactured in that Reddish-Brown hue, save some of the leather items, and even most of those articles of clothing and accessories are usually manufactured in a shade called "Oxblood"...
c. "Sgt. E. Wood" is wearing what looks like it's supposed to be the OD Field Jacket, Second Pattern, sometimes also referred to as the "Parsons Jacket" which, which is should be painted in a PALE Olive Drab color, similar in shade to the M1942 Parachute Jumpers' Coats and Trousers, as used up to, and during the D-Day, June 1944 Invasion. "Sgt. E. Wood's Jacket is also erroneously painted in that S**T-Brown color. If that is supposed to be representative of a USAAF Leather A2 Flight Jacket, WHERE are the "Elastic" cloth sleeve-ends?..
I wouldn't especially go out of my way to buy these particular PARACEL figures, even though they are supposed to be WWII GIs. IMO, PARACEL does much better with Vietcong, Arabic and Afghanistani subjects- They should stick with those...