my RMG diorama is complete, for your viewing pleasure:
'A toast to lost comrades'
my diorama shows a pair of remorseful soldiers of the 11th hussars(30 corps), sharing a drink, making a toast to their stranded comrades of the airborne forces, who they failed to reach.
the staghound is Accurate armour, the figures are ultracast, and the base is a verlinden resin product, with extra details i added from the spares box.
this wasnt my planned RMG project, that wouldnt have been finished in time, so i used kits i had readily available to build this dio. not including the vehicle, this took 3 days to make and paint.
the staghound and base were painted with tamiya acrylics, the figures with humbrol and revell enamels. oil washes and mig pigments were used for weathering.
as you can probably see figures arent my strongpoint, but im pretty proud of the result