Eric, I don’t recall when you said you’d be back from your vacation, but I did want to let you know that I’ve been making some progress, albeit slow, on my Merkava 4M. All of the big parts are together. I had the running gear (suspension, wheels and tracks) all done and the turret, too. I primed all of it with white Stylynrez, and did some preshading of panel lines with Tamiya Hull Red, and then, after much masking of the running gear, painted the tank with my mixture of Tamiya colors. I was reasonably pleased. No pictures yet, but I’ll get some. Also, I was really excited to receive my first order of the Wilder water based weathering stuff, which comes in many different colors and textures (has bigger ‘stones’ and smaller, etc.). I was happy to see it is offered in ‘red desert’, which is what I need for my 4M tank, as almost all the 4M tank photos I have show dust, dirt and some mud, in red soil, covering large area of the tanks in the pictures. I tried it yesterday afternoon, and it worked great! As of this morning, all dried, with little change in appearance. I haven’t had the chance to check on the Wilder claim that these products can be reactivated with water. Will check later this evening.
I’ll also try to take some pictures. As of now, there is no weathering done, except for the road wheels, tracks (Fruil) and the suspension, which I needed to do before the side skirts are glued in place. Outside of dust and dirt, there is not as much chipping and rust on these IDF compared to other modern tanks (presumably, the IDF crews pay more attention to vehicle maintenance) so not as much weathering of that type to do.
By the way, I’ve now gotten to see, for the first time, what the Hull Tex product, under primer and paint, actually looks like. It is interesting. There is absolutely no way to miss where the texture has been placed. I used it at the 4 corners, on the horizontal parts, of the hull. I would say it is very effective, and REALLY easy to notice, as it creates almost a ‘black hole’ with respect to reflection of light (or rather, absorption). It definitely makes the molded in/on anti-skid look like there is nothing there, in comparison. It is very uniform, and I will, absolutely, be using this product on my Takom Merkava I Hybrid, which does not have any anti skid at all in the molding.