Masterbox Ltd. announces a series of ACW figures in 1/35 scale.
Military figures of all shapes and sizes.
Military figures of all shapes and sizes.
Hosted by Darren Baker, Mario Matijasic
ACW Figures from Masterbox


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Posted: Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 08:01 PM UTC


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Posted: Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 08:12 PM UTC
Those are some great concepts. Lots of character.


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Posted: Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 11:54 PM UTC
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Those are some great concepts. Lots of character.
They are ALL poignant, especially the Brothers re-uniting at War's end... It's almost as if broken hearts are being mended. I'm buying ALL of these new sets as they are released...
Posted: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 01:46 AM UTC
Very nice sets!


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Posted: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 02:42 AM UTC
So now MB is marketing one, or two, 1/35 figures per box? They couldn't put all four figs in one box, to make a typical figure set? Just the packaging alone doubles the cost of one of the single figures! Can't wait to see the price of one of these! If they were some king of high-definition-super-quality (like Dragon's Gen ll)...well, just maybe. But they look no different (quality-wise) than their typical figures.


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Posted: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 03:41 AM UTC
Each subject could easily have been four figures or a horse for the cavalry.
However the single or double figure sets have been priced in keeping with the number of figures versus the four or five figure sets.
What's the deal is their larger sets are so reasonable.
Too bad looks like no more Napoleonic.
However the single or double figure sets have been priced in keeping with the number of figures versus the four or five figure sets.
What's the deal is their larger sets are so reasonable.
Too bad looks like no more Napoleonic.


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Posted: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 04:45 AM UTC
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However the single or double figure sets have been priced in keeping with the number of figures versus the four or five figure sets.
Where have you seen the prices listed for these new figures?


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Posted: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 05:47 AM UTC
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However the single or double figure sets have been priced in keeping with the number of figures versus the four or five figure sets.
Where have you seen the prices listed for these new figures?
Hi, Biggles!

Well you know, just to be fair, remember the "flap" just a week ago over the pricing of the new 1/35 RYE FIELD German Panther Figures..? I think I would pay the prices for these new MASTER BOX figures rather than buy those RYE FIELD things... Also, not to be biased in my remarks, I think that Steve makes a good point...
And the following is a sorta-kinda question directed towards Steve:
Hi, Steve!

No more "NAPOLEONICS" from MASTER BOX??? How come??? Could it be that the "Napoleonics crowd" is slowly starting to "die-off"..? Or is it just a dying interest of "Napoleonics" from the "figure-modeling crowd" in general..? I mean, I just turned 66 this last January, and I started building/painting Napoleonics back in the '70s... I'd HATE to think that I was getting "THAT old"...

PS- Even though quite a few of the HISTOREX plastic figures had their faults, (by TODAY'S standards, that is), I'D LOVE to see them started back up into production by some enterprising plastic model company...


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Posted: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 06:14 AM UTC
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However the single or double figure sets have been priced in keeping with the number of figures versus the four or five figure sets.
Where have you seen the prices listed for these new figures?
Ukraine sellers on Ebay. I got a bunch of sets and priced the 2 figure fashion figure sets. The prices are in proportion to the set size.
I have been told that plastic Napoleonic figures just do not sell. The people into them are pretty happy with metal and resin. I have more than enough in the stash but I really liked the options in the hussar figure.


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Posted: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 06:27 AM UTC
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So now MB is marketing one, or two, 1/35 figures per box? They couldn't put all four figs in one box, to make a typical figure set? Just the packaging alone doubles the cost of one of the single figures! Can't wait to see the price of one of these! If they were some king of high-definition-super-quality (like Dragon's Gen ll)...well, just maybe. But they look no different (quality-wise) than their typical figures.
There again Biggles, today's "typical plastic figures" are light-years ahead of what passed for the "typical plastic figures" of the 1970s. I don't know if you've ever had the occasion to get any of the old 1960s-vintage RENWAL plastic figures that usually came with their "odd-ball"-scale vehicles. THEY were so bad that my modeling friends and I used to call them "The GOON Army"...


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Posted: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 06:32 AM UTC
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However the single or double figure sets have been priced in keeping with the number of figures versus the four or five figure sets.
Where have you seen the prices listed for these new figures?
Ukraine sellers on Ebay. I got a bunch of sets and priced the 2 figure fashion figure sets. The prices are in proportion to the set size.
I have been told that plastic Napoleonic figures just do not sell. The people into them are pretty happy with metal and resin. I have more than enough in the stash but I really liked the options in the hussar figure.
Ukrainian, Polish, Slovakian and Russian sellers have ALWAYS undersold American sellers on Ebay, in general. Where one wants to be CAREFUL though, are the shipping costs. SOME of these Eastern European sellers offer not only lower pricing, but lower shipping costs, as well. BUT!!! It could take as long as a month or two to get your purchase in the mail. There is always a "price to pay", in one way or another...
Metal and resin Napoleonics have always taken precedence with figure modelers over plastic ones, even "back in the day"- But apparently, today is a different story, depending on what one expects from a scale figure's quality, realism, accuracy, proportions and facial features. Yes, plastic figures have come a long way over the years... Since VERLINDEN is no longer in business, the pricing of their very nice 120mm Napoleonics have been climbing to ridiculous proportions, for resin figures in that scale. The pricing of the "other genres" of 120mm VERLINDEN figures have more or less stayed the same as they were back in the 1990s and early 2000s...
As to pricing, take a look at the pricing of your "typical" metal ANDREA, or even MORE STICKER-SHOCKING, PEGASO's metal 54mm figures, when you get the chance!!! And the pricing of the larger-scale PEGASO figures? HOO-BOY!!! I suppose everything in the modeling arena is proportionate to today's pricing of virtually everything else on Planet Earth...


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Posted: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 10:51 AM UTC
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I don't know if you've ever had the occasion to get any of the old 1960s-vintage RENWAL plastic figures that usually came with their "odd-ball"-scale vehicles. THEY were so bad that my modeling friends and I used to call them "The GOON Army"...![]()
Well...I never did like Renwal kits much, but I did have a large selection of Revell/Adams 1/40 kits. They looked really good 50 - 60 yrs ago, and the figures were all in the same scale.


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Posted: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 11:39 AM UTC
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SOME of these Eastern European sellers offer not only lower pricing, but lower shipping costs, as well. BUT!!! It could take as long as a month or two to get your purchase in the mail. There is always a "price to pay", in one way or another...
you should try living in Western Australia Dennis. that's the norm even for stuff posted from within Oz


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Posted: Monday, April 15, 2019 - 03:16 AM UTC
HEY, EVERYONE! More photos of these ACW figure sets, and a Confederate Cavalry set. PLUS, there are several sprue-shot photos of the ACW figures and the 1/24 Ming Dynasty figure, over on "THE MODELLING NEWS" Official Site... 

Posted: Monday, April 15, 2019 - 05:20 AM UTC
Are you meaning the first two figure sets shown? I am looking at the Modelling News site right now but what I see may be different? The first two sets are older releases; 'Attack', a US Cav regiment, and 'Do or Die', a NC Inf. regiment. Are you seeing something different?
Are you meaning the first two figure sets shown? I am looking at the Modelling News site right now but what I see may be different? The first two sets are older releases; 'Attack', a US Cav regiment, and 'Do or Die', a NC Inf. regiment. Are you seeing something different?


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Posted: Monday, April 15, 2019 - 05:34 AM UTC
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Are you meaning the first two figure sets shown? I am looking at the Modelling News site right now but what I see may be different? The first two sets are older releases; 'Attack', a US Cav regiment, and 'Do or Die', a NC Inf. regiment. Are you seeing something different?
Hi, Rick!

THANKS, you're RIGHT! In my rush to get the news out about the photos of the figure kits' "sprue-shots" shown on the "THE MODELLING NEWS" site, I must have been too bedazzled by these, rather than to have taken a better look at the illustrations of the various pics of the box art!!!

APOLOGIES TO ALL!!! Mea culpa...


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Posted: Monday, April 15, 2019 - 05:55 AM UTC
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I don't know if you've ever had the occasion to get any of the old 1960s-vintage RENWAL plastic figures that usually came with their "odd-ball"-scale vehicles. THEY were so bad that my modeling friends and I used to call them "The GOON Army"...![]()
Well...I never did like Renwal kits much, but I did have a large selection of Revell/Adams 1/40 kits. They looked really good 50 - 60 yrs ago, and the figures were all in the same scale.![]()

RENWAL was JUNK, in comparison to the REVELL and ADAMS/SNAP model kits! REVELL had a BEAUTIFUL 155mm "Long Tom" and M4 Artillery Tractor set in 1/40, which I got for my 8th Birthday. ADAMS/SNAP made several beautiful kits of the WWII US Jeep, an LVT(A) Amtrack "Buffalo" with the 75mm M8 HMC Howitzer Turret, an M1 105mm Howitzer, and I THINK a NIKE Missile and Truck combo-kit, all in 1/40 scale. The "105" also included several realistic Artillerymen, AND the Howitzer Gun Carriage was able to traverse and elevate. The moldings were crisp and had very minimal flash. The ADAMS/SNAP kits were manufactured in a VERY deep, Dark Greenish Olive Drab...
Interestingly, the little Jeep kit had metal axles, and a "folding" Winshield. It also included a pot-bellied standing NCO, and a seated USAAF Officer behind the Wheel, complete in Leather A-2 jacket and wearing his "50-Mission Crush" Service Cap. The two figures were smiling, perhaps joking. I believe that this little set MIGHT have been the very first time that a plastic model company produced a "peaceful" sort of a military-type vignette of the kind that didn't have Infantry "On the Attack"... GREAT STUFF!!!

Golly, I WISH I had some of those old ADAMS/SNAP kits, even though they were made in 1/40 scale!!!

THANKS Biggles, for bringing back some happier times for me, even if only for the moment...


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Posted: Monday, April 15, 2019 - 06:24 AM UTC
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SOME of these Eastern European sellers offer not only lower pricing, but lower shipping costs, as well. BUT!!! It could take as long as a month or two to get your purchase in the mail. There is always a "price to pay", in one way or another...
you should try living in Western Australia Dennis. that's the norm even for stuff posted from within Oz![]()
My Goodness, Colin! How do you Aussies SURVIVE???

Americans seem to have NO PATIENCE, even with split nano-second resposes on their damnable cell-phones!!!

And, New York City residents??? FUGGEDDABOUDDIT!!! (I should know, I used to be one of those...


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Posted: Monday, April 15, 2019 - 08:03 AM UTC
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RENWAL was JUNK, in comparison to the REVELL and ADAMS/SNAP model kits! REVELL had a BEAUTIFUL 155mm "Long Tom" and M4 Artillery Tractor set in 1/40, which I got for my 8th Birthday. ADAMS/SNAP made several beautiful kits of the WWII US Jeep, an LVT(A) Amtrack "Buffalo" with the 75mm M8 HMC Howitzer Turret, an M1 105mm Howitzer, and I THINK a NIKE Missile and Truck combo-kit, all in 1/40 scale. The "105" also included several realistic Artillerymen, AND the Howitzer Gun Carriage was able to traverse and elevate. The moldings were crisp and had very minimal flash. The ADAMS/SNAP kits were manufactured in a VERY deep, Dark Greenish Olive Drab...
Interestingly, the little Jeep kit had metal axles, and a "folding" Winshield. It also included a pot-bellied standing NCO, and a seated USAAF Officer behind the Wheel, complete in Leather A-2 jacket and wearing his "50-Mission Crush" Service Cap. The two figures were smiling, perhaps joking. I believe that this little set MIGHT have been the very first time that a plastic model company produced a "peaceful" sort of a military-type vignette of the kind that didn't have Infantry "On the Attack"... GREAT STUFF!!!![]()
Golly, I WISH I had some of those old ADAMS/SNAP kits, even though they were made in 1/40 scale!!!With what I know today about figure construction and painting them, I would really "go to town" with that pair of ADAMS/SNAP Jeep figures!!!
THANKS Biggles, for bringing back some happier times for me, even if only for the moment...
The Adams kits were produced in cooperation with Revell and appeared under their label through the 1950s. Then they split and Adams went to ITC and finally to Life-like who I understand wore the molds out. I had a late Life-like HAWK missile battery and the distortion and flash made it unbuildable. All the Life-like went to Lindberg which has gone to Round 2.
The kits show up on Ebay and collector's prices are about what you would expect to pay if Dragon or Meng were to release an all-new kit of the subject. I saw the Honest John launcher five ton truck new in box for $65. About the price of the new Afv-club M54 five run-- I saw the Atomic Cannon for $125 when the recent 1/72 Dragon atomic cannon was $100. Gets one thinking.
The kits were Atomic Cannon, HAWK missile battery. M40 spg, M20 armored car, HAWK missile carrier, Honest John launcher, LVT-4(A), 105mm howitzer, M4 tractor with 155mm Long Tom, Aerial missile helicopter and jeep with trailer. Revell also had Lacrosse launcher, Nike Hercules, M35 truck, 105 howitzer (postwar version with different crew and base), M56 spg, M48 AVLB, Corporal Missile with launcher and a T-34/85.
The Revell kits have seen re-release numerous times with the Corporal and M48 AVLB being the most recent. Thd company that bought many of Revell's molds says they plan to reissue pieces not in seen in 20-30 years.
I have the Lacrosse, two M35 and howitzers. Love them and the figures are remarkable for their age. Even the old Monogram 1/35 1950's figures were crude toys by comparison( as opposed to the ones from the 1960s with the M14 rifles like in the M48A2 kit) I also have the Monogram halftracks, truck and M48. Fond memories. The sculptor from Monogram also did work for Merite 54mm figures way back when which I also have including my first ACW figure; a Berdan Sharpshooter.


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Posted: Monday, April 15, 2019 - 08:30 AM UTC
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RENWAL was JUNK, in comparison to the REVELL and ADAMS/SNAP model kits! REVELL had a BEAUTIFUL 155mm "Long Tom" and M4 Artillery Tractor set in 1/40, which I got for my 8th Birthday. ADAMS/SNAP made several beautiful kits of the WWII US Jeep, an LVT(A) Amtrack "Buffalo" with the 75mm M8 HMC Howitzer Turret, an M1 105mm Howitzer, and I THINK a NIKE Missile and Truck combo-kit, all in 1/40 scale. The "105" also included several realistic Artillerymen, AND the Howitzer Gun Carriage was able to traverse and elevate. The moldings were crisp and had very minimal flash. The ADAMS/SNAP kits were manufactured in a VERY deep, Dark Greenish Olive Drab...
Interestingly, the little Jeep kit had metal axles, and a "folding" Winshield. It also included a pot-bellied standing NCO, and a seated USAAF Officer behind the Wheel, complete in Leather A-2 jacket and wearing his "50-Mission Crush" Service Cap. The two figures were smiling, perhaps joking. I believe that this little set MIGHT have been the very first time that a plastic model company produced a "peaceful" sort of a military-type vignette of the kind that didn't have Infantry "On the Attack"... GREAT STUFF!!!![]()
Golly, I WISH I had some of those old ADAMS/SNAP kits, even though they were made in 1/40 scale!!!With what I know today about figure construction and painting them, I would really "go to town" with that pair of ADAMS/SNAP Jeep figures!!!
THANKS Biggles, for bringing back some happier times for me, even if only for the moment...
The Adams kits were produced in cooperation with Revell and appeared under their label through the 1950s. Then they split and Adams went to ITC and finally to Life-like who I understand wore the molds out. I had a late Life-like HAWK missile battery and the distortion and flash made it unbuildable. All the Life-like went to Lindberg which has gone to Round 2.
The kits show up on Ebay and collector's prices are about what you would expect to pay if Dragon or Meng were to release an all-new kit of the subject. I saw the Honest John launcher five ton truck new in box for $65. About the price of the new Afv-club M54 five run-- I saw the Atomic Cannon for $125 when the recent 1/72 Dragon atomic cannon was $100. Gets one thinking.
The kits were Atomic Cannon, HAWK missile battery. M40 spg, M20 armored car, HAWK missile carrier, Honest John launcher, LVT-4(A), 105mm howitzer, M4 tractor with 155mm Long Tom, Aerial missile helicopter and jeep with trailer. Revell also had Lacrosse launcher, Nike Hercules, M35 truck, 105 howitzer (postwar version with different crew and base), M56 spg, M48 AVLB, Corporal Missile with launcher and a T-34/85.
The Revell kits have seen re-release numerous times with the Corporal and M48 AVLB being the most recent. Thd company that bought many of Revell's molds says they plan to reissue pieces not in seen in 20-30 years.
I have the Lacrosse, two M35 and howitzers. Love them and the figures are remarkable for their age. Even the old Monogram 1/35 1950's figures were crude toys by comparison( as opposed to the ones from the 1960s with the M14 rifles like in the M48A2 kit) I also have the Monogram halftracks, truck and M48. Fond memories. The sculptor from Monogram also did work for Merite 54mm figures way back when which I also have including my first ACW figure; a Berdan Sharpshooter.
Hi, Steve!

Boy did WE ever get "off-topic":!!!

WOW! You really tickled my brain, (or lack of one), with this last post of yours. I was writing from MEMORY; I have NONE of the kits that you've just mentioned that have survived my many travels. What can I say but, "I envy"...

You could certainly qualify as a "Dealer in old model-kits"!!!

Question: So where did the "SNAP" label come in? I distinctly remember having several of the SNAP Jeeps and the "105" when I was 10 years old, and still living in Ridgewood, Queens... The SNAP logo consisted of four Red-Orange squares with the letters "S" "N" "A" "P" in Black, superimposed over the Red-Orange squares... These were beautiful little models, and yes, now that I think back, they DID have the Trailers, too...


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Posted: Monday, April 15, 2019 - 11:31 AM UTC
I think SNAP was a re-boxing of Revell, which was a re-boxing of Adams. In the late '60's the SNAP versions were available in local "five-and-dimes" for prices lower than original Revells - and this was in Canada (of course, in those days CDA and US $ were at par). Some 15 - 20 yrs ago I bought a rebox/rebox/rebox kit of Revell's 105 mm howitzer - still complete with action crew and scenic base, out of nostalgia. Boy, was I disappointed. The molds had degenerated to the point where one half of the gun barrel/recuperator was shorter than the other half, and nothing really fit anymore!


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Posted: Monday, April 15, 2019 - 09:58 PM UTC
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I think SNAP was a re-boxing of Revell, which was a re-boxing of Adams. In the late '60's the SNAP versions were available in local "five-and-dimes" for prices lower than original Revells - and this was in Canada (of course, in those days CDA and US $ were at par). Some 15 - 20 yrs ago I bought a rebox/rebox/rebox kit of Revell's 105 mm howitzer - still complete with action crew and scenic base, out of nostalgia. Boy, was I disappointed. The molds had degenerated to the point where one half of the gun barrel/recuperator was shorter than the other half, and nothing really fit anymore!
I built the Revell 105mm twice in both a 35 year old photo box and the 20 year old boxing with the M35 truck. I don't think that kit ever really did fit together.

Second time around I threw canvas over it for one in travel position because of the miss molding and poor fit.
By contrast, some of the Adams molds were fine in the late 1970s Life-like boxings. But some were just absolute messes like that HAWK missile battery I had. Many of the kits though did have pitted molds leading to raised distortions on the plastic. Not well maintained and probably past saving now.

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