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Yes you did mention them, and Takom makes them.
Yes, I realize that, Thank You. BUT! MINIART has advertised that there will be M3 Lee/Grants WITH INTERIORS, AND in several different versions, which TAKOM does not make. I would think that as a British modeler, you would have agreed that STATE-OF-THE-ART BRITISH Lee/Grants with Interiors are wanting in today's modeling market, as are the original US Army's M3 Lees. This is ESPECIALLY TRUE for any US or British WWII Tank or AFV, since MINIART has built themselves a very fine reputation for producing quality-merchandise aside from making vehicles with interiors. Yes, the TAKOM kits are VERY nice, indeed. BUT! I think that MINIARM can do BETTER... The question is WHEN will we see them..? Ten years from now..?
I've been jumping up-and-down for a series of WWII US/British and other Allied subject-matter for years on end. Don't you think that I just MIGHT be getting sick and tired of "constantly" spouting my "tale of woe"..? It's not just on my account. Recently, a few other modelers on this site have joined me in my "outcry" for more of "OUR", (i.e, WWII US, British & Commonwealth) vehicles and military personnel- I don't feel so alone any more...
I raised the question over the M3s in the beginning of this thread because MINIARM has come out with all kinds of OTHER stuff in the meantime, such as that insipid "Sharotank". And this, after whetting WWII Allied fans' appetites for the M3s! If THIS sounds like "cry-babying" to you, then so be it. IMO, MINIART has been dragging their feet with the M3s. Who knows? MAYBE we'll NEVER see them after all, and that WOULD be sad...