For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
Hosted by Darren Baker, Mario Matijasic
RyeField: Easy Eight from Rye Field!

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Posted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 10:41 PM UTC
I really don't care very much if anyone on this site throws the "Hide User" button "on" for my posts...


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Posted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 10:55 PM UTC
a BIG OOOPPPPSSSS on misnaming the manufacturer, Ryefield NOT Meng.
But like I said, if the price isn't too crazy......
But like I said, if the price isn't too crazy......

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Posted: Tuesday, May 07, 2019 - 11:28 PM UTC
I also don’t see the smoke launcher tube but am not sure if it’s under the mantlet cover.

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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 12:38 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Great news. This is an absolute must have for me. It has options for torsion bars on the engine grates, the first aid kit, and the interphone on the rear, so one can make a Koren war version. Actually that's the only correct version as it only has the post war travel lock as was posted earlier. No problem though, I've enough early travel locks in my stash!
This kit looks to have the WWII style travel not post-war.
I’m sure it could be seen in Korea.


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 12:49 AM UTC
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I really don't care very much if anyone on this site throws the "Hide User" button "on" for my posts...![]()
WhY WoUlD aNyOnE dO sUcH a CrAzY tHiNg?
YoUr PoStS aRe FaR tOo EnTeRTaInInG aNd FiLleD
wItH vAluAbLe InFoRmAtIon



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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 01:48 AM UTC
Quoted Text
if the price isn't too crazy......
On pre-order at Hobbyeasy for EUR45: https://www.hobbyeasy.com/en/data/njj6p5maruzchivmf0qz.html?t=1557323449


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 02:22 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted Textif the price isn't too crazy......
On pre-order at Hobbyeasy for EUR45: https://www.hobbyeasy.com/en/data/njj6p5maruzchivmf0qz.html?t=1557323449
That's about $50 US which is about right. Give it six months or so and it'll probably be $40 - 45.
Yeah, maybe by then I'll be able to squirrel away that much.

Then I'll play with the suspension bars.

I paid $40 for my Academy Easy Eight back in the day. Just had to have it.

There are and were plenty of examples of E8s retaining "World War II " style travel locks to this very day.
I am doing three NJANG 50th Armored division tanks from the 1950s and they had a mix though they all have telephone boxes and dust cover mounts.


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 05:13 AM UTC
Wow, this release sure as generated a lot of interest/Flak...I'm thrilled that the builders of Allied armour have something to strut about as I diligently build through my stash.


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 06:46 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextQuoted TextI don't build that much stuff any more anyway, so...
Far to busy posting on web sites I guess.
I was going to say you managed to post without the inappropriate and totally pathetic use of capitals but I see you more than made up for your "caps fix" in your last entry.
If you think it serves any other purpose than to make your posts look ridiculous then your sadly mistaken.
As SNIDE and as uninformed as ever, Alan. Didn't you get any love you when you were a child..?
The use of "caps" in my posts are NOT "inappropriate". The use of "caps" is discretionary.
PS- It appears that I speak and write in better English than YOU do. Is THAT the way you were taught to murder your own "Mother Tongue"(?). I suggest you turn the "spell-check" on in your device as well, unless it doesn't have one, in which case there ARE apps available on line... :
Do enlighten me on my "murdering", spelling and why you think the use of caps is not as I, and others it seems, describe.
In case you didn't realise it Armorama has a built in spell checker, which shows red squiggly lines under the words you type in, which funnily enough tells me realise and Armorama are wrong but of course they are not.
As for snide remarks, I wonder what "Didn't you get any love you when you were a child..? " comes under?
Anyway, Happy Modelling to those looking forward to getting and building this release, looks good. Oh, all except Dennis of course, that'll be Happy Posting as you don't have much time for modelling these days


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 07:47 AM UTC
I’m not a big Allied armor guy, but this catches my eye. Would the star Sherman from “Fury” work with this build? I know it didn’t have the muzzle brake but had the thread protector. I need to study up, I could identify every different model of the Pz III, IV and V but am totally lost when it comes to Shermans. Strange for a young American combat vet, I know. Anyways, this looks awesome and I need to learn the chronological evolution of Shermans. Thanks!


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 08:50 AM UTC
Sprue shots at Imodeler. Torsion bars are for the engine deck hatches. Kit looks very well detailed with a number of options.


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 09:03 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I also don’t see the smoke launcher tube but am not sure if it’s under the mantlet cover.
I'm not a Sherman "expert", so if anyone wants to correct me, please do so:
Wasn't the Smoke Launcher Tube located towards the front of the Turret looking from above, in the left side of the Turret Roof, not very far from the Loader's Hatch..? Just asking...


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 09:13 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I’m not a big Allied armor guy, but this catches my eye. Would the star Sherman from “Fury” work with this build? I know it didn’t have the muzzle brake but had the thread protector. I need to study up, I could identify every different model of the Pz III, IV and V but am totally lost when it comes to Shermans. Strange for a young American combat vet, I know. Anyways, this looks awesome and I need to learn the chronological evolution of Shermans. Thanks!![]()
Hi, Nate!

Oh, it's not so strange; you just got bombarded with the Axis stuff, that's all...
There is a wealth of information about US Shermans of every type on-line and there are literally thousands of books out there as well. Some of them are even pretty entertaining. Personally, I like anecdotal histories, best.
Try Ebay, or your favorite Hobby Shop... The SQUADRON "Sherman in action" book is a good basic starting place. Then you can gradually work yourself into the various "Walk-Around" books. Once you wade through all the rest of the info and books that are Sherman-related and you want something that is really the "Bible" of Sherman books, I'll suggest the Hunnicutt book for you. But I warn you, it's highly technical, AND EXPENSIVE. The flip side is that the Hunnicutt book will tell you everything that ever wanted to know about US Shermans...
Good Luck & Have Fun!


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 09:25 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextI also don’t see the smoke launcher tube but am not sure if it’s under the mantlet cover.
I'm not a Sherman "expert", so if anyone wants to correct me, please do so:
Wasn't the Smoke Launcher Tube located towards the front of the Turret looking from above, in the left side of the Turret Roof, not very far from the Loader's Hatch..? Just asking...

"Medium Tank M4A3 Sherman at the World War II Vehicle Museum and Learning Center.
This cutaway turret shows the location of the 2" smoke mortar as well as the loader's periscope. The coaxial machine gun is obvious, and the radio is visible in the rear of the turret. A submachine gun is stowed above the radio."
Their words, not mine ...
/ Robin


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 09:27 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted Textif the price isn't too crazy......
On pre-order at Hobbyeasy for EUR45: https://www.hobbyeasy.com/en/data/njj6p5maruzchivmf0qz.html?t=1557323449
Interesting... I'm VERY tempted, but I think I'll wait until the real reviews come out and the prices settle out before I buy...


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 09:29 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextQuoted TextI also don’t see the smoke launcher tube but am not sure if it’s under the mantlet cover.
I'm not a Sherman "expert", so if anyone wants to correct me, please do so:
Wasn't the Smoke Launcher Tube located towards the front of the Turret looking from above, in the left side of the Turret Roof, not very far from the Loader's Hatch..? Just asking...
"Medium Tank M4A3 Sherman at the World War II Vehicle Museum and Learning Center.
This cutaway turret shows the location of the 2" smoke mortar as well as the loader's periscope. The coaxial machine gun is obvious, and the radio is visible in the rear of the turret. A submachine gun is stowed above the radio."
Their words, not mine ...
/ Robin
Thanks, Robin!

Removed by original poster on 05/13/19 - 19:52:50 (GMT).


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 09:49 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextI really don't care very much if anyone on this site throws the "Hide User" button "on" for my posts...![]()
WhY WoUlD aNyOnE dO sUcH a CrAzY tHiNg?
YoUr PoStS aRe FaR tOo EnTeRTaInInG aNd FiLleD
wItH vAluAbLe InFoRmAtIon![]()
Wow, Robin! is THAT some kind of an "ENIGMA" Code..?


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 09:51 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextQuoted TextI also don’t see the smoke launcher tube but am not sure if it’s under the mantlet cover.
I'm not a Sherman "expert", so if anyone wants to correct me, please do so:
Wasn't the Smoke Launcher Tube located towards the front of the Turret looking from above, in the left side of the Turret Roof, not very far from the Loader's Hatch..? Just asking...
Correct, and should still be visible even with a cloth mantlet cover in place,..I think.
Thank You, Matt!


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 10:00 AM UTC
Quoted Text
It does look like it will be a nice kit. As mentioned, perhaps an interior will come later, or a two type option like MiniArt.
One very nice detail is the open slot for the front hull vent. Looks like we can do an early version before the cover was added.
hi, Randy!

AGREE that it would be nice to have a Sherman kit with an interior, but as I said earlier, "it doesn't matter to me one way or another"... I'm just glad to see a couple of new Shermies coming down the pike. If I HAD to choose a specific M4-series Medium kit with an interior, it would have been one of the earlier types, i.e, an M4 75mm (Dry) or an M4A1 75mm (Dry)...


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 11:10 AM UTC
It should be there, either a hole or a weld bead from the post-war MWO to close them up.
Read about it here-
Read about it here-

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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 11:43 AM UTC
From the sprue shot it looks like they have a plug or cover molded in place for the smoke launcher.


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 11:53 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextQuoted TextI also don’t see the smoke launcher tube but am not sure if it’s under the mantlet cover.
I'm not a Sherman "expert", so if anyone wants to correct me, please do so:
Wasn't the Smoke Launcher Tube located towards the front of the Turret looking from above, in the left side of the Turret Roof, not very far from the Loader's Hatch..? Just asking...
Correct, and should still be visible even with a cloth mantlet cover in place,..I think.
You should see it, or the plug, just above the edge of the dust cover on the front left slope. I believe that some later turrets never had the hole as part of the casting.
Dans link shows it very well.
I'm not really missing the interior, I just hope it will be an option in the future. The most important tank the Western Allies had, and no interior kit. The most common German tank, that served everywhere, and no interior, just baffles me a bit.


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Posted: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 - 08:56 PM UTC
The smoke mortar was ordered eliminated from production vehicles in January 1945. So it doesn't have to be there if it was never bored out.
I read the article trying to date the turrets in my current project and get a reasonably correct post war configuration.
I read the article trying to date the turrets in my current project and get a reasonably correct post war configuration.
Removed by original poster on 05/13/19 - 19:53:28 (GMT).
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