Thanks for all the kind comments. I will be doing a Part 2 with 7 figures from Bravo 6. These were the three I decided did not work in the composition of the larger diorama. So that too will be a jungle one - this was sort of a practice piece.
The tree is hand made. I got some of that seafoam stuff or whatever it really is and used green flocking. At first I thought I could spray the branches with hairspray and sprinkle the flocking but that did not work. I decided I needed something that was very slow drying to give me the time to sprinkle the flocking exactly where I wanted it. I decided on oil paint - I globbed it on the branches only where I wanted the flocking and then dipped the branches in the piled up flocking. Later I painted the tree bark areas chocolate brown. I will do the same for my larger diorama but I will have two trees and one fallen tree too.
The ferns are laser cut paper plants from a Japanese company. They are white paper and you paint them the color you want.
The dark ground cover are actually leaves from Eduard. I painted them and shadowed and highlighted them while on the fret. But a huge PIA to cut them off individually from the fret and then having to paint the edges again due to the removing from the fret. Then I had to bend each one to get a more natural look. Then I had to take thin wire and bend it like an 'L' for a stem support (they just don't lay on the ground) and glue each one on. Then paint those too!
The actual ground work is that newer stuff offered by different companies of pre-mixed paste like and textured mud or dirt. I like it a lot having used it before. It dries like cement. Anyway, after studying photos of Vietnam jungles I noticed lots of debris on the ground in the form of branches and leaves and whatnot, so I mixed in spices and stuff from the kitchen, emphasizing Rosemary leaves. Finally, I sprinkled on a few brown birch seeds on the top of the surface.
It only took me a day - a full day though - to prep all of the vegetation and a half a day to lay it all on. This was the fastest groundwork I have ever done.
I tried to take a close-up of the kneeling guy cus I put a pair of glasses on him, but the photo did not turn out so good. His face looks better in person.