THANK YOU, ALL! It's all very helpful.
@Henri; I did a pretty big Google search last night / early this AM on the Magach 7C Gimel. From what I saw, it would certainly appear that "no non-slip" was pretty much the pattern... Not willing to put down good money on it, but there was scant evidence of any non-slip on any Gimel that I could see a pic of. Until...
I found that there was almost the exact same question raised here on Armorama back in 2016! And in that thread...
Were to be seen some definitive pictures showing non-skid applied to a Gimel!
@Israel; Thanks, mate! You have posted those exact same pics which apparently showed up in the Gimel thread started by Armorsmith here on Armorama back in Sept, 2016!
From which pics I conclude that I can at least apply non-skid with the knowledge that SOME one or more Gimel actually had the stuff applied. That's enough for me, as I'm actually "itching" to apply some to this build - and I was concerned that maybe NO Gimel had or has it... And I wouldn't want to go there against modern history!
It turned out after more searching around that there are actually pictures posted and available showing several Gimel builds over the past few years. A small number of these builds have included some non-skid application. I'll guess that those builders must have somehow got info confirming non-skid on the Gimel...
Anyway... Again, THANK YOU, ALL! I've learned what I sought to learn. I'm off to start work on that Gimel!