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This jeep was a one-off prototype only. It was not put into service since the heat was too much for the driver and crew.
Popski's Private Army Flame Jeep
Thanks Gino! I'm a smoke and flame guy, and was familiar with the Wasp system, but had never heard of this particular vehicle-- now I know it was a "one-off". It does remind me of a similar experiment that I did with my Smoke Generator Company back in 1982. I had 62 gun jeeps (M151s) in the Company. 52 of them were allocated for pulling a 1/4 ton trailer with an M3A4 Smoke Generator, along with a 55 gallon drum of fog oil. We could set up a Generator in about 2 minutes, but they were all stationary. So, we got the hair-brained idea to remove the M151s back seat and mount the Generator in a specially built frame over a deuce and a half fuel tank, that way we could make "smoke on the move". It worked in theory. The fact is, the M3A4 had a carburetor float that was designed to be stationary. It would work over level ground, once you started rocking over rough terrain, the carberator float tended to flood, which often caused a backfire or worse, a jet of flame. Not fun for the crew. They back end of the jeep also became an oily mess. We could only produce Smoke for about a half hour, whereas the stationary mounts were good for about 50 minutes. In those years, we were using a lot of old contaminated fog oil with water in it, so we had a lot of Generator explosions too-- also not fun for the crew. But, it was similar to this "Wasp" Jeep set up.
VR, Russ