KV-1S production began at ChKZ in August 1942. Until that time, both UTZM and Factory No.200 had been building KV hulls for ChKZ. In September, the decision was made to switch UZTM to T-34 production due to disruption in the supply of T-34s from Stalingrad, and to increase the output of KV-1S hulls from Factory No.200. The September quota was double that delivered in August.
By October, Factory No.200 was falling behind and requested permission to deliver up to 100 KV-1 (as opposed to KV-1S) hulls to ChKZ to meet its quota. This request was sent to Ivan Zaltsman, People’s Commissar of Tank Manufacturing, and was routed up to the State Committee for Defense. Such high-level authorization was presumably needed because the substitution would drive the weight of the vehicles up, and the State Defense Committee had been very emphatic during the KV-1S’s design period, about driving the weight of the vehicle down to ~42 tons.
Authorization was given by Molotov on 15 October 1942, and ChKZ completed 70 vehicles with KV-1 Model 1942 (square rear overhang) hulls and KV-1S turrets. These tanks had a number of KV-1S components on the hulls however, such as twin driver’s periscopes.
Sources differ as to the units that received these ‘hybrid’ KVs. One source gives the following allocations:
• 8 to the 9th Independent Guards Breakthrough Tank Regiment at Kubinka
• 16 to the 10th Independent Guards Breakthrough Tank Regiment at the Moscow Training Schools (Kosterovo/Noginsk)
• 3 to the Ulyanov Academy
• 34 to the 12th Independent Guards Breakthrough Tank Regiment at the Moscow Training Schools (Kosterovo/Noginsk)
• 9 to ZKU
• 7 to the Armored Car and Tank Center (Lubertsy)
This gives us a total of 77 however, so the allocations may not be entirely accurate. To further complicate matters, there is a photo in the Russian State Documentary Film & Photo Archive showing one of these vehicles, carrying the turret slogan ‘СИЛЬНЫЙ’ (‘Powerful’), captioned as belonging to the 14th Independent Guards Breakthrough Tank Regiment. This unit was established at the same time and location as the 10th and 12th regiments, and was assigned 21 new KV tanks on 10 December 1942.
14th Independent Guards Breakthrough Tank Regiment departed for the Don Front on 26 December 1942, and was assigned to support 24th Rifle Division in 65th Army as part of Operation Little Saturn, reducing the Stalingrad pocket. It fought until 19 January 1943 when it was ordered into reserve to repair and re-equip. 7 of its remaining serviceable tanks were transferred to the 9th Regiment and 2 to the 5th Regiment between 20 January and 1 March. Other vehicles were repaired and dispersed to other units, while 7 were written off.
I want to model ‘Powerful’ as it is shown in the photo, but a lot of details are not visible. Fortunately, there is a preserved vehicle at Parfino, Novgorod Oblast, purportedly from 12th Independent Guards Breakthrough Tank Regiment. It’s not 100% certain that the Parfino vehicle has all the same features as ‘Powerful’ so a little modeler’s license is in order, particularly since the Parfino vehicle was incomplete when recovered and has had a sheet-metal engine deck and fenders added.
I have all of Trumpeter’s KV releases, and for this project I will use the following kits:
• #00358 KV-1 Model 1942 Simplified Turret
• #01566 KV-1S Heavy Tank
In addition, I plan to use some aftermarket sets and parts from the spares box.