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Robert, the only objection would be the same for films that have rape scenes in them but claim to be protesting rape: showing the violence edges over towards "war porn." Does this set significantly highlight the horror of children soldiers or exploit it? I don't know the answer.
You're right, Bill- It's a gray area. However, in my own opinion, this figure set portrays the truth: Life in this world is a real HOG-MESS in some places.
What I DO object to is the double-talking "PC POLICE" IGNORING all of those "over-the-top-blood-and-guts-all-over-the-place" trashy horror films, etc, that make the BIG money for the movie moguls and are specifically intended to be consumed by a great number of "people" who THRIVE on that kind of junk... Internet porn of the absolute worst kind is readily available to minors as well, but THAT'S OK, though...
I could easily say more in addition to all of the above, but I won't...
This site isn't meant for political "soap-boxing" or moral pontificating. I'm not going to "down" this figure set, but I wouldn't run out and buy it, either. Neither would I run out and buy some "fantasy-world" or "apocalyptic-war" figure set- These things are just not included in my various fields of interest, that's all...
I've seen this figure set announced on other hobby sites as well. It has certainly created a lot of "buzz"...