Hiya Jody , deciduous or evergreen ? Best bet is to surf Youtube for tutes on crafting mini trees . What you're looking for is the process , scale shouldn't matter you'll just be using bigger materials .
You could also find a real small dead tree branch in the wild with a shape and branch structure that suits your need and work off of that . Using the real deal would eliminate the need to create credible bark . Google preserved leaf sprays and bundles , there's lots of craft stores that sell them and they're not expensive . These can be used to flesh out the real dead tree branch your using .
Sesame bloom spray . Used for a 1/35th scale-ish tree .
Sesame bloom branches applied to a dried out Juniper root .
I chose material for 1/35th scale-ish trees but there are many larger preserved dried leaf sprays you can use foe your scale .