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You're right Dennis, I stand humbled & corrected; it just seems that you're always on the warpath over a perceived slight on the latest release when we are all talking about building models for cripes sake. Hence the chill part. I've got nothing against you and your opinions, I just don't really believe that there's this secret cabal of manufacturers out there timing their releases to spite you. If the order of release is "Panther" "Panther" "Sherman" so be it. I enjoy the building and I even enjoy the interactions here but we've all got to understand that we are all just big 14 year-olds avoiding the world by enjoying building something special. Or at least I seem to be. Enjoying, that is. So let's all try and limit how upset we get over the nothings that plague living in a crazy age.
Hi, Frank!

"The Panzer-Clique", and "The Panzer-Mafia" nicknames which I often refer to on this site are actually directed towards a certain group of people on this site, and not the model manufacturers. They seem to take personal offense when I mention WWII US and Allied equipment instead of genuflecting in awe of every Panther, Tiger or SS Panzer Crew which is being riotously celebrated on this site.
There is NO secret "cabal" looking to "short change" yours truly. That would be, at the very least, presumptuous on my part. There is no "perceived slight". Any correspondence which I've ever had with the manufacturers has been either ignored, or answered in this, or similar fashion:
"Thank You Very Much for your interest in EGG FOO YUNG Models, but unfortunately at this time, we have no plans to produce a/an (enter your choice of as yet not-produced model here): _________"
In other words, I've given up on trying to correspond with THESE PEOPLE...
"ALWAYS on the warpath", I think, is a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think..? I'm only on the "warpath" 90% of the time!

I'm not a spoiled-rotten 8-year old brat screaming at the top of my lungs, running amok in a supermarket or a department store, tearing merchandise off of the shelves and kicking customers in their shins. So, I do question the "chill" when I make a comment, which after all is said and done, IS only a comment, after all... Being told to "chill" is perhaps a mild admonishment for that 8-year-old brat, but I'm a 66-year-old oatmeal-gumming old codger!