I remember that safe well. Had to lug one of those from Hawaii to Guadalcanal and back in 1989, with $50K in greenbacks tucked inside. Had to have an armed guard on it 24/7. We were going to chain it to a radiator with a good 'ole steel GI lock and chain but guess what!?! No radiators in the Solomon Islands!

this is a great rendition of one though.
VR, Russ
P.S. --those safes were also found in Headquarters elements at the Company, Battalion, and higher echelons, and were primarily used to store keys, classified document (such as CEOIs--code books) and other sensitive items in. Sometimes they'd go to the field in the back of an M577, or other Command and Control type vehicle. Otherwise, you'd find them in the unit orderly room or commander's office.
VR, Russ