It is rather pointless having the same person write an identical review to that provided for the Avro Rota. This version manufactured in Germany was fitted with a different engine, the Siemens Sh 14A 7-cylinder radial, not the Armstrong Siddeley Genet 1A, so this MiniArt model would appear to be incorrect. Also, having closely inspected the doped fuselage of the Avro Rota at Duxford I would suggest that a textured finish would be unrealistic. Cierva apparently copyrighted their name "Autogiro" instead of the correct term "autogyro" for this type of aircraft.
I agree that the rotor head is somewhat simplified and is very fragile. Better to replace the rotor arm attachments with brass or carbon fibre rod.
And please improve your photographs, they are are too small to see any detail, can you not zoom in on the detail?