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A campaign related question: how could I apply for some 1-2 weeks time extension as the 3.5 week business travel to Poland slowed down my troops on the way to Triumph?
That's no problem, Tamas! I think of an extension of 4 weeks to give everybody here the chance to finish his build. I guess Pasi also needs some extra time for his ItPsv90. So the end of this camapaign will be the 1. December 2020. I hope that's okay for you guys.
Stay safe!
Hi Torsten,
These extra 4 weeks will surely help me completing the campaign. Guess what: I will have another 2 weeks business travel back to Poland in the first half of November. Actually I have finished the camo painting and look for applying the decals and protective semi-gloss lacquer layers this weekend. With a little luck I will be able to do some weathering, too. If it is not possible, I will have a good chance to do the weathering after returning from the trip and so complete the campaign.
My idea is to present a mid-dirty vehicle as most of my on-the-field reference photos show the Polish 2a5’s dirty and muddy. Not extreme but definitely weathered.
I will upload some photos after the semi-gloss lacquer done. The current look is awful because the Gunze green became way too shiny, the Vallejo light brown is dead matt and the Gunze/A.MIG black is patchy from dark grey and deep black tone variations. After applying some filter, panel liners and built-up dirt it will be nicely balanced I am sure. But right now it is ... ehhh... under-satisfactory.
Apart from my painting result, the Revell kit with the A/M detail-up sets (main gun, minor details, indy tracks, smoke grenades) looks great and has well-defined panel lines, details and so on.