Here is an example of what I am building, minus the dozer blade.
A few unique features of the Korea M48A5s were added smoke grenade dischargers and storage boxes and the aforementioned .50 cal and its mount. The mount is taken from an M551 Sheridan. Here is a better image of it.

I am still waiting on the Sheridan mount to arrive. I found the sprue that contains it (C sprue) from the new Tamiya M551 on eBay. It should arrive later this week.
To build it, I started with the left over hull from the Dragon M48 AVLB kit. You may remember I used the bridge parts on a Takom CM-11 hull to make my M60 AVLB (long before Dragon announced their M60 AVLB). I swapped out the upper hull for one left over from one of the many M48 multi-kits so I would have a 5 return roller hull as that is what M48A5s were built on. The turret is also left over from the Takom CM-11 kit. They married together quite well. The gun pintles and smoke launchers and their storage boxes are also from the Takom kit. I used the D Vision metal 105mm M68 barrel on it in the Takom mantlet with baffles cut from the D Vision resin mantlet. I didn't use the D Vision mantlet as it didn't fit well and the kit one looked much better. It looks like a copy of the Tamiya M48A3 chunky mantlet. The search light is from the old Legend M48A3 update set, modified with a Dragon mount.
Here it is so far.

I used the Def Model sprockets with mud release holes molded in them. They fit the rest of the Dragon sprocket parts perfectly.

These are the guns. The .50 cal is from the Takom CM-11 kit and the M60D is from Dragon's Vietnam Helicopter crew set. The M60 mount is from an Academy HMMWV, I think.

More to come once I get the Sheridan .50 cal mount in.