Posted: Saturday, November 09, 2019 - 05:35 PM UTC
Hi Jan,
My only experience is with the old ESCI/Italeri Nebelwerfer. I recall it is a good model although I recall is it closer to 1/32.
If they demand your loyalty, give them integrity; if they demand integrity, give them your loyalty.--Col John Boyd, USAF
“Any plan where you lose your hat is a bad plan.”
Posted: Saturday, November 09, 2019 - 08:55 PM UTC
Hello Angel. "There is a LHS in Sofia, that has the 210 mm Nebelwerfer on stock." I need 2. So does the shop accept Purchase order as per e-mail? and ship to Thailand? Mean while I go check the www for what is left. So strange they only cone from GWH after so many years.
Posted: Saturday, November 09, 2019 - 09:23 PM UTC
Hello Angel. Found 2 of them in Australia. Shop I already purchased from. Some crazy Japanese asked US 116,= for the kit. I purchased 2 kits, costs me less than that one kit from Japan. Thanks again.