Hello friends!
Thanks for your kind remarks!
Some answers.
Vinnie wanted to know more about the kit:
it is a Dragon 1:35 Ausf J, which was upgraded with Tamiya road wheels and idler as well as sprocket wheels. Some Aber-PE-parts for the tools were used, but no extra PE-set for the Panzer III.
Kevin was concerned about the muzzle colour:
I prefer to paint them almost plain silver, as I have seen it during my time as M60 commander. We were never allowed to let the gun get black from gun powder. I suppose, also in WWII crews kept thier guns operating and not dirty.
HastyP wants to know, if this tank will be a star in a diorama:
Now I am not actually thinking of a certain project, but maybe it will take part in an evacuation scenery with some red cross units... (next century???)
TankCarl thinks that the small lights are MV-lenses:
Sorry Carl, but they are made from instant super glue (cyanoacrylate gel)
The latch for the crew door broke off just before the photo was made and I didnīt have a glue at hand. It will be repaired today.
Manny about the Panzer III versions:
I stuck to the descriptions of the "Achtung Panzer" book abaout the PzIII, where this front aperture was also at the Ausf J types.
See also this picture for reference:
It is a Panzer III Ausf J
1/35er Militaermodellbauseite