my current project is ready for weathering. Since i couldn't find my bottle of future i was kinda forced to go with Tamiya X-22 for the clear coat. Of course it worked but as you know the overall drying time is just way too long.
Yesterday i wanted to spray the tracks and smaller parts and stumbled over some bottles of Vallejo clear gloss which i must have forgotten over time. One of them is just numbered 510 and is at least eight years old for sure but still absolutely white in the bottle.
The other two are numbered 70.510, about three years old or so, of thinner consistency and look much more like some kind of light flesh tone:

Being suspicious of using it on the model i gave 70.510 a try on a test hull first this morning and checked it when i came back from work and now i know what spider-app can do. It also has a slight orange taint:

I don't know if it's me or the paint? I shaked the bottle well and applied by brush without thinning.