As you know, maybe. I'm working on a model off the Tamiya JSU-152 kit. And I have posted pictures and other things in constructive feedback and I was keeping my post up to date as I proceeded in the work.
But now, I have finished the building part. And I'm now in need off some help. Because, I have completed the build. And I was first off all thinking off wanting to paint it. Like I always do. But, here comes the 'problem'. They don't want me to paint the model with the airbrush. But to paint it with spray color. And here is the thing, I don't want to paint the figures that I have worked so hard on along with the entire model. And I'm not having experience with masking and taping off for painting the vehicle. I remember in another post, if I'm right. That someone said, that I just didn't needed to pay so much attention to the looks off the vehicle. Because all Soviet Vehicles look the same. And now is another question off me. Do I really need to put in the extra work and effort to paint it and finish it real nice? Or don't I have to worry about it, and just put on the decalls and mark it as finished?
I hope you can help me out. And feel free to ask for anymore information if you need it to help me out ferther.
Here are the pictures: