Well Guys,
I must say that the price of this book looks very reasonable to me !!
The cost are € 30,-- for a large book
There are 232 pages meaning € 0,12 pro page
There are 400 photo's meaning €0,075 for a singe photo
Did you ever see the price list of a archive ??
Like NARA, IMW, AMW or Munich.
Do you know what the price is for a single photo when you want to print 10.000 copys of your book.
Do you know how many time you have to invest in a book from idea to the printing and selling of it.
No well I can tell you this with € 30,-- it will be cheap.
So don't give a comment on the price of a book for €30,--
Just enjoy it

and thank these writers who invest so much time and money to write a good documented book for us.
With kind regards.