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Nice job
Nothing about you but from what I understand a lot of Yufan work/ figures are knock offs from others peoples work and on that note I don’t buy the brand. I also think a lot of the figures due to being knock offs and mismatch parts jumbled together that they seem strange looking.
Have you actually looked at the Yu Fan catalogue? A simple look at Hobby Easy will show that the majority of their figures are original. They make well over 30 1/35 sets, with at least 100 different figures of WWII, Cold War and Modern PLA - whom did they copy these from? And this is just one example.
And as for the discussions here and elsewhere about copying, the figures in question form a very minor portion of the catalogue and there is no general consensus as to if these are copies or not, since they appear to be similar but not identical.
I don’t condone anyone copying, and will reserve my judgement about “borrowing” components, since I’m not sure how this is any different from someone using say an upper hull from a plastic kit, modifying it into a different variation or type, and then selling it commercially.
Ultimately, Yu Fan has a significant catalogue of original figures that no one else does and it’s up to each individual to determine if they want to support them. But it’s wrong to say that “a lot of Yu Fan’s works are knock-offs”.
Just my two sense.