After writing the above post regarding the Academy M51 turret issues, I actually pulled one of the Academy kits and one of the turret sprues just to compare the two turret mouldings.
The academy is really not a T23 turret at all, it’s more like an approximation. The turret is flat on the roof from front to back and a T23 turrets have an angled drop towards the front where the mantlet is. The sides are almost straight up and lack the proper contours of the T23 turret as the Academy people shaped the front of their turret almost perfectly round like the original sherman turret, the overall lenth of the Academy turret looks ok, the bustle counter weight area looks ok, but it’s too narrow, it’s just not a good turret, the dust cover on the mantlet looks bizzare, the mantlet itself is not shaped correctly, the gun barrel is too thick and a tad bit shorter than the Tamiya and it doesn’t taper down towards the front, then the MB is almost 30-40% larger than the Tamiya.
Now I might start one of these two just to see how the Academy kit looks built up with the Tamiya turret and tracks.
I believe the Academy hull looks pretty good and it’s a quick easy build combined with a user friendly rubber band track I can get a nice tight fit around the idler and sprocket it should look legit, maybe not as nice as Tamiya M51 but still nice considering the pair of Academy M51 will have cost me less than a Tamiya kit by itself