Hi, Have seen rumors here and there that this model is supposed to be coming out in May or June. Don't know if this is world-wide or not, but this is what I've heard.
I saw in FSM that Hobbyland was taking pre-orders. It listed at $170, but they were selling it I think for $119. So that's sure better that the $170, which I'm quite sure wouldn't move too many of them off the shelves if that higher number was what they decided to sell them for.
I'm sure, like sgtreef mentioned, there are going to be those rivet counters out there who aren't going to be pleased with it, but we'll let them worry about that. If it's as good as Trumpeter's version of the K5, it will be more than good enough for this child.
You know what really scares me? What's next after this? Ha, ha!
Take care, Sgirty