I almost exclusively model the Vietnam War. Nonetheless, this is a subject with which I am intimately familiar. I served as an Army infantryman in OIF I with 4th ID, OIF II and OIF 06-08 with 1st 'CAV. I started this figure a couple years ago as a project to honor a close friend of mine from high school. He likewise served in 4th for four OIF tours. His first tour was in OIF I, albeit in a different battalion. This figure is not a copy of him. Due to the hodgepodge of gear we wore in OIF I, I didn't want to spend a small fortune sourcing random bits of 120mm field gear (namely LC-2 ALICE pouches and an M-203) to make it a copy of him. This was especially problematic as Verlinden was really the only company who made 120mm ALICE gear and they closed their doors around the time I started this. You will notice that this guy is basically the Verlinden 120mm 101st Airborne OIF/OEF grunt.
A note on accuracy: Please forgive the lack of a reverse field flag patch. I believe that there were 120mm OIF/OEF desert decals made, but I couldn't source them. Likewise, you'll notice that the M-16 receiver is the typical slab side lower that Verlinden uses on all their M-16's. I don't believe that Live Resin had a modern receiver set in 120mm when I started this. My friend doesn't mind the discrepancy. It was important for me, however, to use an M-16A3 instead of an M-4. M-4's in those days were scarce in mechanized units. My friend didn't have access to one until he became an NCO in a sniper section. I carried an M-16A3 during all of my tours. The M-16A3 was the MTOE mechanized rifleman's weapon during those years. Lastly, to some of you, the boots may look a little dark. I based them off of the early Desert Storm boots that were a Coyote/FDE color before such a color was cool. They had chocolate brown soles and were a copy of the first model black jungle boots (just without the vents). I personally favored these boots because they didn't have the padded collar at the top and the soles were more durable. They were commonly issued in those early days as old desert gear stocks were still being issued.
The 4th ID entered OIF I with a variety of individual equipment. Not everyone got an IBA vest. Plates were in short supply and high demand. Some guys deployed with PASGT Kevlar vests. RFI MOLLE gear was unevenly issued. In my battalion, almost everyone wore LC-2 ALICE gear; either attached to their IBA vests or on heavily modified web harnesses. Those who had MOLLE gear purchased it privately, usually from Blackhawk. Some battalions in 4th ID received a partial RFI MOLLE issue. This guy clearly was one of them, but he retains his tried and true canteens. That was common too.
Your questions and comments are welcome!