I agree, Frank, in fact I like the Lorraine and Hotchkiss chasis based artillery and antitank vehicles as well. I assume that this kit is a post 1940 vehicle and not a 1944-45 vehicle due to the small gun. I note that the vehicles mentioned above all worked on a similar bogie set up, similar it seems, to the Sherman set up as well. It must have been very reliable and therefore wise for the Germans to accept into their arsenal. They were in indeed in desperate straights after their invasion of the Soviet Union when they found out that the Soviets had a seemingly endless source of tanks, they used most of the captured tanks they could, while Britain and its commonwealth, Americans, and Russians tended to not use Axis tanks except for the few used to test their capabilities and flaws, like the Panthers Traitor and Coocoo. Ive watched the excellent Mark Felton you tube videos and It seems that at least one Panther was tried out by US forces. As is the case with all of them the Panthers broke down with no replacement parts. But in the case of the Renault, etc, these were reliable enough to be used in Normany but thier downfall were the guns and planes of the Allies, not breakdown.