Kelley was nice enough to e-mail me a couple of pictures of this type of finish from a book he had, which I have subsequently ordered, and then while I was glancing over the 'Constructive Comments' section of Missing Lynx site, I saw a recently posted Panther Ausf. G in an Ardennes Dio with this type of finish. And it was a most effectively done model, blending in very well with it's surroundings that the modeler had created for it.
I don't know just how many other modelers are familiar with this type of finish, but I thought I would bring it to anybody's attention who happens to be looking for that certain something that's 'different' to add to their finishes on late war German armor vehicles they may build in the future.
I've also heard that there was an experimental type of camo finish that was either used, or thought about being used, on German vehicles for action in very late urban war settings. A sort camo job put on in blocks of various colors placed all over, or in certain specific loacations of the vehicle. Has anybody else heard anything about this before?
Just curious.
Take care, Sgirty