I am WOW, impressed. They do look like sculpted figures except for the all important hands which may be spot on as far as compared to the body size, but are more important than other parts of the body from the perspective of a human. Hence, bigger hands, not greatly bigger, but bigger than what real scale measures out to be is like playing a trick the eyes. Emphasis is on hands and what they do. When you have a great head and other details like these remarkable figures have it is not quite noticeable until you become aware of the importance your eyes place on hands, hands that can be friendly or dangerous, then the more apparent they are. Its too bad that this can't be fixed. I still like sculpted figures more, and if you compare an Alpine head to any 3D printed the Alpine looks the best. It is probably because the 3D is recording more information than you see when you are looking at a real person at a distance. Its funny, I really like these figures and may have to get one. But what ww2 Europe time period are these paratrooper's uniforms for? Normandy? Holland? Oeration Varsity? I have trouble distinguishing airborne uniforms but I am told that there were different jackets and pants trousers for each of the big three jumps.